
I am using USB active antenna (prototype). Has always worked well with 0.4.

I concur with Anna that if you leave them connected, after considerable time
they do partially populate.

I have run olpc-netstatus on all four laptops, making first certain that:
- all are connected to School Server
- all appear in eJabberd as online users
- none appear in network neighbourhood (you can't see any on any laptop) 15
mins+ after first connected

Remember, they are all registered and running 8.2

The olpc-netstatus shows the following:

On ALL the four XOs:
- Correct m0odel, serial, MAC
- Build 767, Firmware CL1 Q2E18 Q2E
- Libertas: 5.110.22.p18
- Correct Nick, uptime
- IP msh0 (3,4,5 i.e. the four XOs)
- DNS   
- Telepaphy gabble
- Jabber school.oceania.org
- XOs 2
- Essid olpc-mesh
- Channel 1
- School school.oceania.org
- Config School Mesh

Note, in eJabberd the server name is shown as schoolserver.oceania.org not
school.oceania.org and the domain name was configured on the XS as
schoolserver.oceania.org (that's also what the hostname is in the
/etc/sysconfig/network file)

David Leeming
OLPC Coordinator, SPC and Technical Advisor, People First Network
Honiara, Solomon Islands

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Langhoff [mailto:martin.langh...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 16 December 2008 2:52 a.m.
To: David Leeming
Cc: XS Devel
Subject: Re: Collaboration unreliable 0.5

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 7:59 PM, David Leeming
<leem...@pipolfastaem.gov.sb> wrote:
> I apologise if this issue has already been dealt with on this list.

Thanks for bringing this up, it's definitely news to me. Testing on
the ejabberd on 0.5 has been on load testing -- this is a new issue. A
few questions

 - Are you using Access Points or AAs? (I seem to remember you were
using APs...)
 - When an XO cannot see its buddies, what does "olpc-netstatus" say?

> I have used the same set up exactly with XS version 0.4 and it's all solid
> the neighbourhood view fills up rapidly after connecting. What's causing
> unreliability with 0.5?

Unsure. Anna's email gives me a bit more info to sort this out. Let me
try and reproduce this here...


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
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