On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 12:55 PM, Martin Langhoff <martin.langh...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> I'm trying to reproduce the problem. Any hints as to how long it takes
> for it to happen? What triggers laptops not seeing eachother? I'll
> keep trying stuff... but any hint...

I just created a jabber login called "anna-test" via the webadmin interface
and logged in via pidgin.  I didn't see anyone online, though I logged out
and logged back in repeatedly.   My previously established login could see
seven users online, which matched the online users according to webadmin.

Only after I restarted the ejabberd service could the anna-test login see
other users.

This would explain why the issue seemed to resolve itself for us as the
server "matured."  I know I've rebooted at some point, thus restarting
ejabberd, after all my regular users were registered.

Anna Schoolfield
Server-devel mailing list

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