On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:44 PM, David Farning
<dfarn...@activitycentral.com> wrote:
> You are 100% correct in these criticisms and concerns about Activity Central. 
> We
> are a new company working in a new market. Failures and mistakes are 
> inevitable.
> If you have been hurt by those mistakes, I apologize and accept full
> responsibility for them.

Hi David! Look -- thanks for being so frank and open. Past it the
past, and I've made mistakes aplenty myself. What I was trying to say
was: you seem to be doing the same thing again. Like now. I mean --

How 'bout taking a slightly different tack? You just posted last week
about cookie licking, which if you think about it... that perhaps
applies to those big Ubuntu announcements last year for example.
Perhaps could apply to this server thing -- we don't know yet. As I
said, I frankly hope I am wrong.

Anyway -- of course there may be business reasons for your forking. Happens.

It's just that on the "working with the existing project", the score
isn't looking too good. I mean -- Aleksey subscribed to the xs-devel
list, and his first message there was the opener of this thread.


 mar...@laptop.org -- Software Architect - OLPC
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