On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 12:06 AM, David Farning
<dfarn...@activitycentral.com> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Martin Langhoff [mailto:martin.langh...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 11:46 PM
>> To: David Farning
>> Cc: Aleksey Lim; server-devel@lists.laptop.org;
> sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org;
>> olpc...@lists.laptop.org; dextr...@lists.sugarlabs.org
>> Subject: Re: [Dextrose] [Sugar-devel] Sugar Server project initiation 
>> announce
>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:44 PM, David Farning 
>> <dfarn...@activitycentral.com>
>> wrote:
>> > You are 100% correct in these criticisms and concerns about Activity
>> > Central. We are a new company working in a new market. Failures and
>> mistakes are inevitable.
>> > If you have been hurt by those mistakes, I apologize and accept full
>> > responsibility for them.
>> Hi David! Look -- thanks for being so frank and open. Past it the past, and
> I've
>> made mistakes aplenty myself. What I was trying to say
>> was: you seem to be doing the same thing again. Like now. I mean -- today.
>> How 'bout taking a slightly different tack? You just posted last week about
> cookie
>> licking, which if you think about it... that perhaps applies to those big
> Ubuntu
>> announcements last year for example.
>> Perhaps could apply to this server thing -- we don't know yet. As I said, I
> frankly
>> hope I am wrong.
>> Anyway -- of course there may be business reasons for your forking. Happens.
>> It's just that on the "working with the existing project", the score isn't
> looking too
>> good. I mean -- Aleksey subscribed to the xs-devel list, and his first 
>> message
> there
>> was the opener of this thread.
>> Classic.
> Based on Aleksey's past history of making good technical decisions, producing
> good implementations based on his designs, and his ability to work effectively
> with the existing community, I believe that what he produces will be a net 
> gain
> for the Sugar/olpc ecosystem.
> As such, AC has given him the freedom to spend the next 6 months working on 
> the
> server project.
> The technical decisions of how Aleksey solves the problem are separate from 
> the
> business decisions of where Activity Central allocates its developer resources
> david
> _______________________________________________
> Sugar-devel mailing list
> sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel

Again, I like where this discussion is going, so it may be worthwhile
to take some of this back to the drawing board. There is the issue of:

1) distro independence
2) content mgmt vs server admin separation
3) school vs library approach (curricular aka XS vs referential aka pathagar)

Without building yet another school server, can we merge/improve upon
what's already here?
Incidentally, Nick Doiron has a post up on the Khan Academy videos
being served offline (I've thought of the same situation, but with TED
videos). http://mapadelsur.blogspot.com/2011/06/khan-academy-follow-up.html
 Neil Dsouza of http://teachaclass.org is in Indonesia (I think)
setting up offline servers to serve Khan videos in an offline format.
I hope to speak with him next week to see if we can collaborate/merge
any of the efforts.

Choice is good. Fragmentation, not so much.

Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Information Systems
Director, Campus Business Solutions
San Francisco State University
Server-devel mailing list

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