Hi James,
I flew home from the XS-CE hackathon yesterday so unfortunately no longer have an XO-4 to test with. So I can't create you a known-broken USB image of reasonable size.

I formatted the 8GB USB stick to NTFS under Linux using gparted (so mkfs.ntfs I presume). The fdisk -l is below. I did not touch or add any files to the partition after formatting.

The Seagate Wireless Plus USB harddrive which also had the boot problem had an NTFS partition formatted at the factory, but was later resized by me using gparted.

sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdd

Disk /dev/sdd: 8004 MB, 8004829184 bytes
1 heads, 16 sectors/track, 977152 cylinders, total 15634432 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000d606e

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdd1            2048    15634431     7816192    7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

On 05/13/2013 03:13 PM, James Cameron wrote:

I acknowledge the boot flag removal did nothing.  This points me away
from the part of Open Firmware that recognises that flag.

I'm sure I can fix it as soon as I can duplicate the problem.  But
I've been unable to duplicate, possibly because I don't have the same
NTFS software as you.

I'd like to check the partitioning as well as the filesystem, because
Open Firmware tries both in sequence.  It might be reacting to the
partition table rather than the filesystem.  For that I will need a
disk image, but as small as possible because I'm quite remote.

Could you please pick the smallest USB available drive you have, (1)
erase it thoroughly, (2) format it to NTFS in the way you usually do,
without adding any files, then (3) prepare an image, (4) compress it
with gzip or zip, (5) check that the USB drive does cause the problem
still, and (6) provide me with a link to download?

If anybody else has the time to do this, feel free to contribute.

I've raised a ticket to track the problem:

Some suggestions for capturing the image:

1.  to erase a USB drive thoroughly, using Open Firmware,
see http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Forth_Lesson_23#erase_a_device
or in Linux use "sudo cat /dev/zero > /dev/YOUR_DEVICE" where YOUR_DEVICE
is the name that Linux has chosen for it,

2.  (no suggestion),

3.  to prepare an image on Linux, use "sudo cat /dev/YOUR_DEVICE > image",

4.  to compress, use "gzip image",

5.  checking it after making the image ensures that any changes made
accidentally by Open Firmware are not included in the image,

6.  attaching the image to the ticket may be helpful if you don't have
any public place to leave it.

(and a comment, the support for NTFS in OLPC OS kernel is not
pertinent to the problem I wish to solve.)

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