All we need is 5volt DC in, preferably 2amps minimum.  If the drives aren't
too power hungry then they should be able to be powered by the eSATAp
connector, although I haven't tested that.  I will actually ask Rabeeh if
he has tested it.  I know he has tested eSATA just don't know if it was
self powered.  If we can't get eSATA to power the drive for whatever reason
then a USB port should be possible.  A lot of older eSATA cases would
require a usb plug for power, if they didn't support eSATAp.

Most of this depends on the draw of the drives.  If we want a battery
backup solution then we probably want the larger case I posted a link to
earlier and then a battery solution that provides two 5volt 2amp outputs.
 I am pretty sure I saw one on Amazon.

Do you guys have the models of drives you plan on using for storage?  Time
to run some numbers.
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