Title: Message
Have a look at the service() method of the RemoteDelivery mailet as this splits a message into multiple messages depening on target mail server name. Then you just have to deliver or 'root' (route!) the message according to your rules.
-----Original Message-----
From: Diogo Saad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 3:22 PM
To: James Users List
Subject: Mailet Question !!

I wanna develop a mailet that filters certain attachments for some recipients!!
Something like this , suppose recipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] can receive  .txt and .doc attachments , and [EMAIL PROTECTED] can receive .doc and .xls attachments
Now if I send a email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with a .txt attachment my mailet should remove the attachment from [EMAIL PROTECTED] message and keep it in [EMAIL PROTECTED] message.
To get this behavior I MUST have 2 copies of the mail ( one to diogo and another to root). Looking at the LinearProcessor.service(...) code I realized that there's only ONE mail instance ...and to this mail the mailet is called....
How can I make this work??
Thanks in advance.
Diogo Saad
Inter Business Tecnologia e Servicos

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