  I created couple of new files that will allow me import spam assassin config 
files and use them against all incoming mails. I created couple of java files 
for this. Now its time for me to add them into james and call them from the 
config.xml file.
  I followed the directions on the james website about adding custom mailets/
matchers but I get an error saying

java.lang.Exception: There is a bad entry ("file:/home/jaysheel/james/work/
james-1086277203770/SAR-INF/lib/spam.mindbridge.james.jar") on classpath that 
made it impossible to load a manifest.
 I created the .jar file using NetBeans if that helps. Is there I need to add 
in the Manifest.mf file?

 I tried to download james source code and add the file in the lib/ dir but 
when I compile the source code i get an error saying phoenix-bin not found. 

any suggestions?


p.s : I am writing my own spam assassin classes because I don't want to run 
perl. I just want to keep everything in Java. When I get it to work 
successfully I will release the code out if anyone else wants to use it. 

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