I just hate the red tape, but then: red tape for me,
todo list for you.  Fair enough.  I guess it might be
a JIRA usability issue.

Point about unit test is valid.  Had other
improvements that never made it (again not in JIRA,
just in server-dev), so I forked the James code about
a year ago and now I thought I'll contribute this one

(BTW, whatever happened to Mr. Bergman's laptop that
was announced with great fanfare on the server-dev
early last year?  No issue is assigned to him...)


P.S. Somebody outta write: Avalon, the kiss of death
for James.  ;-)

--- Stefano Bagnara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > 86% unassigned?  Not interested in adding yet
> another
> > dead issue.  It's a 2-minute fix, I had already
> spent
> > 7-minutes staring at the JIRA page in utter
> > befuddlement.  Makes no sense to me.
> PS: believe it or not but I've lost much more that 9
> minutes to reply to 
> user problems here on this forum and to apply
> patches to James (also for 
>   components I don't actually use) in the last year.
> Stefano
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Gabor Kincses
Running Mandrake Linux 10.0

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