Super - Thanks - I restarted James and noticed one
message went out successfully to Yahoo.

The puzzling thing is that I tried sending another
one, and there's nothing in the log for it.

All I see are attempts to send mail to the hotmail

It almost looks like the hotmail attemps are blocking
other mail from going out.

I looked in james/var/mail/outgoing/

and there are a lot of FileObjectStores there.

I imagine these are messages and that they should
disappear once they are sent.

I'm tempted to delete all the messages files in
outgoing to see whether it fixes anything, but I also
want to isolate any possible bugs that might be

Any ideas on how to best proceed?

- Ole 

--- "Noel J. Bergman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Does anyone know how to go about confirming
> > that mail sent via James actually was sent?
> The Mailet log will have messages about it having
> been sent successfully.
> > 15/10/06 11:45:56 INFO  James.Mailet:
> RemoteDelivery:
> > Could not connect to SMTP host:, port:
> 25;
> >   nested exception is:
> > connection to
> timed out
> Like that's a surprise ... eventually you should get
> through.  It brings a
> wry smile to see this happening to Microsoft, since
> they are the primary
> cause of problems on the Internet.  What is likely
> happening is that their
> servers are temporarily overwhelmed by connections
> from the many millions of
> MS-Windows spambots made possible by Microsoft's
> meticulous attention to
> security.
> It has gotten to the point where legitimate SMTP
> connections are hidden in
> the noise from botnets.  My server and the ASF
> servers get about the same
> number of connection attempts per day, despite the
> fact that mine gets less
> than 1% of the legitimate e-mail volume of the ASF. 
> The botnet connects are
> the base background noise in the network.
> We could lower spam to a fraction immediately by
> simply requiring ISPs to
> block port 25 from DHCP connections, and forcing all
> DHCP users to go
> through their ISP's mail relay, or though a VPN/ssh
> to some other mail
> gateway, either of which should implement anti-spam
> measures.
> > INFO  smtpserver: SMTP Service connection backlog
> is: 5
> > Does it mean that there are five messages waiting
> to go out?
> No.  Please Google for information on TCP/IP
> connection backlog.
>       --- Noel
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