On Dec 4, 2007 6:53 AM, Василий Озеров <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/12/4, Bernd Fondermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > HI fr33m2n,
> >
> > ok, very good question. :-)
> Thanks. :)
> Mail servers receive emails. Without any customization, the server
> > drops them into the inbox of the receiving user. At any point, the
> > user can view them, delete them, whatever. That's default behavior.
> >
> > Customization is the process of changing the server's configuration
> > and let it do something which is somehow special to your needs.
> >
> > This is done by changing the mail processing pipeline. Either by doing
> > something with the mail itself, or by altering the routing of the
> > message.
> >
> > 1. Can you make up two simple use cases now, one where the email is
> > changed on its way to the receiver, one where the routing of the mail
> > is changed?
> 1) We must add to the server configuration something like this:
> domain.com  smtp:second-server.com
> This will allow all mail which is adressed to domain.com be  redirected to
> second-server.com
> 2) To change routing of the mail is very simple. We must change MX record to
> destination domain.


> 2. Try to identify, where in James' configuration you can do such
> > customizations (hint: Mailet API).
>  I think, that we can use prewritten mailets. For example Forward mailet.
> Sorry, but now i can't test it, because i am at school and on this computer
> i can't install Java enviroment.]
> That is why I will answer later...

I admit, the DNS configuration is not the customization I was thinking of.
I was thinking of for example
1. adding a footer to every mail going through a processor, for
example before sending it out
2. re-addressing mail sent to a for example [EMAIL PROTECTED] to some
available support team member

this can be done by using pre-written and self-written mailets.
The question is now, do other mail servers deliver the same features,
and how easy is it to get it running.
You wouldn't neccessarily have to do it yourself, it would suffice to
check the documentation of other servers or ask on their lists.


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