On 11/17/2013 07:20 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 12:21 AM, Marc Chamberlin

But I cannot upgrade as long as there is no support for mail lists, which
I need.

Hi Marc,

What functionality do you want?Mailing lists?. Can´t this be handled by an
external server like mailman and the like?. Or is this a feature of IMAP?.
Hi Fernando - Mailing lists and IMAP are very different features of a mail server and have little to do with each other. A lot of my users want IMAP because it provides a centralized storage point for emails and allows for a consistent view of what is in a users mail store regardless of where, from, or how it is accessed.

A simple mail list could be handled by any number of external servers such as mailman. But in our case, we have used mailets to tie the James server with some Apache/Tomcat web servers to do things like automatic postings of newsletters and mail sent to a mail list, to one of several different websites as well. The use of mailets is what attracted us to James in the first place as it provided us with this sort of integration capability between mail lists and websites. This also works in reverse, users can post to our mail lists from a website as well, and servlets pass the postings back to James where mailets are used to further process the posting before sending it on to a mail list.

We also have some additional functionality provided by the mailets that work in conjunction with the James mail list manager that allow users of special mail lists to send requests to a remote telescope server for processing. We could probably switch that out, but using mail lists gave us some additional security over who can access the telescope. But changing that feature will involve quite a bit of code rework.

So the bottom line is that without support for mail lists, we are faced with either supporting two different servers for two different purposes, or we will look around for another platform that is capable of supporting customizable mail list processing and hopefully IMAP as well. My team and I are looking into alternative solutions now. I do not know for certain if we will continue to use James or not, but dropping the mail list feature certainly will be a blow to us and will require a lot of work to recover from it.


Sorry for the question.... I never heard of "lists" in the context of a
mail server. But then I´m only an IMAP user, never ran my own server.


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