Thanks for confirming Eric, you saved me time investigating the use possible of authorizedAddresses.

On 12/15/13, 6:03 AM, Eric Charles wrote:
authorizedAddresses will not help.

I don't think there is a way for now to avoid non authenticated local users to send local mails... still need to double check and any inputs will be helpful. Let's keep talking until we are sure.

On 12/10/2013 08:59 PM, Phillip Odam wrote:
I may be having one of those days...

By not authorizing any addresses using handler.authorizedAddresses will
I then prevent un-authenticated connections from sending mail between
accounts on the same server?

On 12/10/13, 2:46 PM, Phillip Odam wrote:
Hi All

Apache JAMES: version 3.0-beta4

I'm wanting to require SMTP authentication when a client is attempting
to send an email from one account to another that are both hosted by the
same mail server (the server the client is connecting to). Not that it
should matter but VirtualHosting is enabled. In my case mail between the same and different domains (hosted by the one server) should all require

Looking at the doco here

For handler.authRequired, this only requires authentication if
"delivering mail to non-local email addresses".

I could resort to using SMTPAuthSuccessful, check the sender and
receiver domains and ghost mail. But I was wondering is their a setting
I'm over looking?

Reason for requiring authentication is that I don't want someone that
knows two email addresses to be able to send mail from one address to
the other that appears to have been performed by the legit operator of
the sending address.


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