
There's several things worth saying :

1. I'm pretty sure you can build james by preventing the test suite to execute (-DskipTests should do the trick)

2. A huge test suite is something every serious software should have but it makes everything more complicated. What would you prefer : random bugs appearing with every commit or a hard to manage test suite ? Actually, we try to manage this complexity by providing a standardized test env : the docker image.

3. if you want more support, please connect to our gitter channel : it's much more comfortable for most people and would probably avoid calling our work "crap"

Hope you join us soon on gitter,

Matthieu Baechler

On 06/05/2017 11:00 AM, cryptearth wrote:

So, to start this of with a meme: One does not simply - compile Apache James from source. Idk if and what I'm doin wrong here, but either its my hardware screwing up everything I've learned about Java (would explain random crashes in GTA5 tho) or I'm just to stupid to correctly setup the needed build environment to get a successfull build. But let me start from the beginning why I'm back after abandoning this mail-list (still not used to this kind of public communication):

So as I was successfull to compile one of the latest builds before this project moved to Docker and have it running on my openSuSE-tumbleweed server since (and as smart as I am: deleted the built package - of course!) - I just looked up the main project page and noticed: oh, it's out of beta - RC1 available for download. But as the page shows "Docker" (sidenote: yea - I know it makes sense to "containerize" such code - to run a Java code as root is not the smartest idea one can have) I said to mysefl: "screw it - compile from source" - and off we go from "wonder if it's still crap as last time I tried" to "what the F*?".

So let me show the results first and then let me explain why I think my hardware is broken:

vm - opensuse tumbleweed - failed: apache-james-mailbox-hbase
vm - debian 8.8.0 - failed: james-server-mailets
host - win7 sp1 ulti x64 - failed: apache-james-mailbox-store

I don't bother you with posting the logs - as it seems some wired random-ish but surprisingly re-produceable stuff going on here: As building james isn't more than compiling Java source into bytecode - and as Java is supposed to be platform-independent - it should fail on the exact same point on each different system - but it doesn't. Unlike earlier tries where it "crashed" random on the same system - at least no it's "crashing" on the same spot every time - but why and how? The only difference are Linux vs Windows and openJDK8u131 vs Oracle 8u121 - and as far as I know Java as a hobbiest dev this shouldn't happen. At least the error should be the same accross differnt systems - no matter if VM or real hardware.

Ok, the error on windows seems to be some wired random-ish encoding issue, see the few lines of log as follows:

Failed tests:
  DefaultTextExtractorTest.textTest:44 expected:<...e awesome text text.[
"> but was:<...e awesome text text.[

I can only imagine there is something goin on with different line-endings as the build expecting only linux-style \n while my windows using \r\n - confusing the equality check to fail (some more like this if you try to bootstrap ant from source on windows - it fails cause windows doesn't support posixfileattributes - wich could checked and handled in a very easy way - but this should belong to the ant-maillist).

The other two on the linux-based systems are very strange:

On the openSuSE (ok, to be honest - it's the distro I "grew up" with - and strangely the only major distro that somehow no body seems to like and therefore isn't really supported at all - just: WHY? cause its german?) it fails with java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError for org.apache.james.mailbox.hbase.user.HBaseSubscriptionMapperTest.<clinit> followed by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.james.mailbox.hbase.user.HBaseSubscriptionMapperTest

On the debian (wich went way better and further than the other two) it fails with this crap:

Failed tests:
<[FakeMail{msg=null, recipients=[ot...@james.apache.org, a...@james.apache.org], name=mail_name-to-james.apache.org, sender=null, state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null, attributes={}, size=0, remoteAddr=}, FakeMail{msg=null, recipients=[a...@james2.apache.org], name=mail_name-to-james2.apache.org, sender=null, state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null, attributes={}, size=0, remoteAddr=}]>
to contain only:
<[FakeMail{msg=null, recipients=[a...@james.apache.org, ot...@james.apache.org], name=mail_name-to-james.apache.org, sender=null, state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null, attributes={}, size=0, remoteAddr=}, FakeMail{msg=null, recipients=[a...@james2.apache.org], name=mail_name-to-james2.apache.org, sender=null, state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null, attributes={}, size=0, remoteAddr=}]>
elements not found:
<[FakeMail{msg=null, recipients=[a...@james.apache.org, ot...@james.apache.org], name=mail_name-to-james.apache.org, sender=null, state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null, attributes={}, size=0, remoteAddr=}]>
and elements not expected:
<[FakeMail{msg=null, recipients=[ot...@james.apache.org, a...@james.apache.org], name=mail_name-to-james.apache.org, sender=null, state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null, attributes={}, size=0, remoteAddr=}]>

Just another encoding-issue based on non-standard non-EN/US setup (all systems share locale de-de)? This seems to be another issue based on wrong String comparison.

So - to complete this kinda sarcastic-ish mail with a few final words:

1.) Does anyone of you have any clue why the same source behave so differently on different systems? This is somehow against anything else I know about Javas famous "write once - run everywhere". 2.) Could anybody please be so kind to just get a me quick overview about how to correctly setup a working build environment to get the current source built successfully?

Call me stupid - or just naiv cause I don'T know anything about modern development on projects this size - but as a Windows-98 kid from times where Google didn't existed yet and just got few low-ish games by burned CDs from school friends (online DRM wasn't a thing back then) who is just used to "double-click on setup/install and hit next until it says fin" - there is no clue why this to-be-simple-magic-box called "PC" under my desk behaves this way. It's just a big calculator - and I expect it to output 2 if I enter 1+1. Maybe someone can explain ...

I don'T really expect any serious response/reply - nor to have any changes in the source - but as Benoit Tellier (btw: big shout outs to him) once told me: each commit gets auto-compiled and only passed ones even released to public - so it has to be some sort of error on my site.

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