Hey Benoit,

first: sorry for getting your name the wrong way around - I was confused by 
your signature.

About maildir not supported on Windows: didn't knew, but IOException got thrown 
and the stack for it made it pretty clear whats happening.

Fun fact: try to compile a class called "aux" - it will fail cause the filename 
"aux.class" is reserved and can't be choosen as file- or folder-name by normal 

I'm getting confused about HBase as I couldn't find any line that's system 
depended, so I can't figure out what's raising the error as the stack looks 
incomplete. Is there any other way to get a full stack for such errors? Maybe 
I'm able to figure out what's wrong when I get the line causing the fail.


---- Benoit Tellier schrieb ----

>My answers inlined...
>Le 08/06/2017 à 16:16, cryptearth a écrit :
>> Hey Rapael,
>> I know about this as Tellier told me this once the first time I reported 
>> issues when first tried to build beta5. So this is what I as a hobbiest 
>> don't understand: if the commit that is made public at least passed all 
>> tests once - why it's failing so differently on my different build setups? 
>> Java shouldn't behave like this. And as I quickly looked into the 
>> source-files causing the issues and couldn't spot any lines that maybe 
>> responsible for this I couldn't figure out what went wrong (at least I'm 
>> able to read and understand a StackTrace).
>ByteCode runs everywhere, true.
>However, you still depend on the system for fileSystem (resource names),
>what your operating system allows (file locks, etc...), encoding, etc...
>That is some kind of concerns that should be enforced in your code...
>> I expected issues related to Docker as I don't have it installed, but not 
>> the one I encountered.
>> Maybe some wants to know: the tests fail pretty hard on Windows for the 
>> maildir target as it seems the tests try to cteate files or folders wich 
>> aren't allowed on NTFS/Windows according to IOException: syntax error for 
>> filename.
>Note that maildir in James is documented as not supported for Windows.
>> Wouldn't any problem when using database as storage - but could lead to 
>> unexpected failures during runtime.
>True, this can create issues at run-time.
>That being said, it's an open source project. Contributions are welcome
>to improve cross plateform situation.
>> Matt
>> ---- Raphael OUAZANA schrieb ----
>>> Hey Matt,
>>> Thank you for your interest in this project.
>>> You seem to have some issues building James. That's something that can 
>>> happen because with have some flaky tests, and not enough time to solve 
>>> them all.
>>> But you should now that each time we are making a commit, all the tests 
>>> do pass at least one time (and generally multiple times in practice), so 
>>> we are pretty confident with the quality on the commits we merge.
>>> If you have so much issues building James, please consider to build it 
>>> without tests. It will take less than 2 minutes and you will quickly 
>>> have the binaries you are looking for.
>>> To do this, just add -DskipTests=true to your current maven options.
>>> Regards,
>>> Raphaël Ouazana.
>>> Le 2017-06-08 01:07, cryptearth a écrit :
>>>> Hey there,
>>>> sorry for me to taking so long to reply - but it happend again: as I
>>>> was preparing to set up some VMs for testing - I failed again the
>>>> cursed game of luck to download the working commit and got the RC2 you
>>>> just pushed out. As I didn't knew it the time I just lazyly started
>>>> another try on my root server it surprisingly went very well. At least
>>>> until the test wich starts up RMI - wich failed cause the ports were
>>>> already in use by the running beta6 instance. So I shut down the
>>>> running instance - re-tried it - and it got a success. As there is no
>>>> docker installed on my root I got few docker related issues, but it
>>>> seems these failed tests didn't mattered. After re-running it with
>>>> -Pwith-assembly I also got the zip/tar.gz - wich I'm currently running
>>>> now and over wich this mail is sent.
>>>> As I tried to set up a VM to match my servers setup - but it still
>>>> fail at apache-james-mailbox-hbase
>>>> I re-run maven with -X and -e, but still didn't get more than this:
>>>> Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.217
>>>> sec <<< FAILURE! - in
>>>> org.apache.james.mailbox.hbase.mail.HBaseMailboxMessageMapperTest
>>>> testMessageMapperScenario(org.apache.james.mailbox.hbase.mail.HBaseMailboxMessageMapperTest)
>>>> Time elapsed: 0.003 sec  <<< ERROR!
>>>> java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
>>>>         at
>>>> org.apache.james.mailbox.hbase.mail.HBaseMailboxMessageMapperTest.<clinit>(HBaseMailboxMessageMapperTest.java:69)
>>>> It looks like there is the rest of the stacktrace missing - but I
>>>> can't find it anywhere.
>>>> Line 69 is this one here:
>>>> public static final HBaseClusterSingleton CLUSTER =
>>>> HBaseClusterSingleton.build();
>>>> Maybe this helps - even if I still can't understand WHY this happens,
>>>> as it went fine on the same setup on my root. Can't tell any
>>>> difference: same maven, same jdk, same OS and patch-level. Nothing
>>>> wich could cause this fail according to the source as there is nothing
>>>> system-level called, at least nothing I can spot on first look.
>>>> If anyone want a compiled RC2 buld (as long as the licence permits me
>>>> to offer this) can ask me for a link to download it from my server. Be
>>>> aware: it's 1.1GB in size.
>>>> Any way - so long - Matt
>>>> Am 05.06.2017 um 11:57 schrieb Benoit Tellier:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> First thanks for the feedback, it is rather interesting.
>>>>>> So, to start this of with a meme: One does not simply - compile 
>>>>>> Apache
>>>>> James from source.
>>>>> :-)
>>>>>> Call me stupid
>>>>> I would never. We all have different backgrounds, thus we don't 
>>>>> consider
>>>>> the same things easy.
>>>>> About the 3 fails that you encountered:
>>>>>   - apache-james-mailbox-hbase : I already saw our Continuous 
>>>>> Integration
>>>>> system fail there. As we don't use this part of the project, we 
>>>>> schedule
>>>>> a new build. As it is a very rare event, it doesn't matter much. The
>>>>> question would then be: do you always observe it?
>>>>>   - Concerning windows:
>>>>> As far as I am aware of it, all of the recent active James 
>>>>> contributors
>>>>> are using Linux. I personally use ArchLinux, some others prefer Debian
>>>>> and Ubuntu. We don't have a license for Windows, thus we can not
>>>>> guaranty we do not introduce bugs regarding it.
>>>>> As it is a free project, anyone can propose patches, and for instance
>>>>> patches for making the test suite run well on windows.
>>>>> Another remark on cross-system: as we are aware of the issues, we
>>>>> provides docker container, continuously delivered, fully tested on 
>>>>> each
>>>>> merge. That way one can run James in a reliable environment, whatever
>>>>> the system it is running on.
>>>>> For your information:
>>>>>   - https://docs.docker.com/
>>>>>   - https://github.com/apache/james-project/tree/master/dockerfiles
>>>>> That being said, I'm sorry to tell you your mail is hardly readable, 
>>>>> and
>>>>> I can not extract interesting information out of it.
>>>>> You did a great work testing different environments, and I should 
>>>>> thank
>>>>> you for this.
>>>>> Wouldn't you mind sending us, for each bug you encountered:
>>>>>   - The Junit test that failed
>>>>>   - The explanation JUnit is giving
>>>>>   - The environment (Maven version, Java version, OS, default 
>>>>> encoding)
>>>>> That would allow us to work in a rather more productive way.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Tellier Benoit
>>>>> Software engineer dedicated to OpenPaaS at Linagora
>>>>> PMC of the Apache JAMES project
>>>>> VIE in Vietnam
>>>>> https://twitter.com/AwesomePaaS
>>>>> https://medium.com/linagora-engineering
>>>>> Le 05/06/2017 à 16:00, cryptearth a écrit :
>>>>>> So, to start this of with a meme: One does not simply - compile 
>>>>>> Apache
>>>>>> James from source.
>>>>>> Idk if and what I'm doin wrong here, but either its my hardware 
>>>>>> screwing
>>>>>> up everything I've learned about Java (would explain random crashes 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> GTA5 tho) or I'm just to stupid to correctly setup the needed build
>>>>>> environment to get a successfull build.
>>>>>> But let me start from the beginning why I'm back after abandoning 
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> mail-list (still not used to this kind of public communication):
>>>>>> So as I was successfull to compile one of the latest builds before 
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> project moved to Docker and have it running on my openSuSE-tumbleweed
>>>>>> server since (and as smart as I am: deleted the built package - of
>>>>>> course!) - I just looked up the main project page and noticed: oh, 
>>>>>> it's
>>>>>> out of beta - RC1 available for download. But as the page shows 
>>>>>> "Docker"
>>>>>> (sidenote: yea - I know it makes sense to "containerize" such code - 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> run a Java code as root is not the smartest idea one can have) I said 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> mysefl: "screw it - compile from source" - and off we go from "wonder 
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> it's still crap as last time I tried" to "what the F*?".
>>>>>> So let me show the results first and then let me explain why I think 
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> hardware is broken:
>>>>>> vm - opensuse tumbleweed - failed: apache-james-mailbox-hbase
>>>>>> vm - debian 8.8.0 - failed: james-server-mailets
>>>>>> host - win7 sp1 ulti x64 - failed: apache-james-mailbox-store
>>>>>> I don't bother you with posting the logs - as it seems some wired
>>>>>> random-ish but surprisingly re-produceable stuff going on here:
>>>>>> As building james isn't more than compiling Java source into bytecode 
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> and as Java is supposed to be platform-independent - it should fail 
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> the exact same point on each different system - but it doesn't. 
>>>>>> Unlike
>>>>>> earlier tries where it "crashed" random on the same system - at least 
>>>>>> no
>>>>>> it's "crashing" on the same spot every time - but why and how? The 
>>>>>> only
>>>>>> difference are Linux vs Windows and openJDK8u131 vs Oracle 8u121 - 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> as far as I know Java as a hobbiest dev this shouldn't happen. At 
>>>>>> least
>>>>>> the error should be the same accross differnt systems - no matter if 
>>>>>> VM
>>>>>> or real hardware.
>>>>>> Ok, the error on windows seems to be some wired random-ish encoding
>>>>>> issue, see the few lines of log as follows:
>>>>>> Failed tests:
>>>>>>    DefaultTextExtractorTest.textTest:44 expected:<...e awesome text 
>>>>>> text.[
>>>>>> ]
>>>>>> "> but was:<...e awesome text text.[
>>>>>> ]
>>>>>> ">
>>>>>> I can only imagine there is something goin on with different
>>>>>> line-endings as the build expecting only linux-style \n while my 
>>>>>> windows
>>>>>> using \r\n - confusing the equality check to fail (some more like 
>>>>>> this
>>>>>> if you try to bootstrap ant from source on windows - it fails cause
>>>>>> windows doesn't support posixfileattributes - wich could checked and
>>>>>> handled in a very easy way - but this should belong to the 
>>>>>> ant-maillist).
>>>>>> The other two on the linux-based systems are very strange:
>>>>>> On the openSuSE (ok, to be honest - it's the distro I "grew up" with 
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> and strangely the only major distro that somehow no body seems to 
>>>>>> like
>>>>>> and therefore isn't really supported at all - just: WHY? cause its
>>>>>> german?) it fails with java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError for
>>>>>> org.apache.james.mailbox.hbase.user.HBaseSubscriptionMapperTest.<clinit>
>>>>>> followed by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize 
>>>>>> class
>>>>>> org.apache.james.mailbox.hbase.user.HBaseSubscriptionMapperTest
>>>>>> On the debian (wich went way better and further than the other two) 
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> fails with this crap:
>>>>>> Failed tests:
>>>>>> RemoteDeliveryTest.remoteDeliveryShouldSplitMailsByServerWhenNoGateway:123
>>>>>> Expecting:
>>>>>>   <[FakeMail{msg=null, recipients=[ot...@james.apache.org,
>>>>>> a...@james.apache.org], name=mail_name-to-james.apache.org, 
>>>>>> sender=null,
>>>>>> state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null, attributes={}, 
>>>>>> size=0,
>>>>>> remoteAddr=}, FakeMail{msg=null,
>>>>>> recipients=[a...@james2.apache.org], 
>>>>>> name=mail_name-to-james2.apache.org,
>>>>>> sender=null, state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null,
>>>>>> attributes={}, size=0, remoteAddr=}]>
>>>>>> to contain only:
>>>>>>   <[FakeMail{msg=null, recipients=[a...@james.apache.org,
>>>>>> ot...@james.apache.org], name=mail_name-to-james.apache.org,
>>>>>> sender=null, state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null,
>>>>>> attributes={}, size=0, remoteAddr=}, FakeMail{msg=null,
>>>>>> recipients=[a...@james2.apache.org], 
>>>>>> name=mail_name-to-james2.apache.org,
>>>>>> sender=null, state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null,
>>>>>> attributes={}, size=0, remoteAddr=}]>
>>>>>> elements not found:
>>>>>>   <[FakeMail{msg=null, recipients=[a...@james.apache.org,
>>>>>> ot...@james.apache.org], name=mail_name-to-james.apache.org,
>>>>>> sender=null, state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null,
>>>>>> attributes={}, size=0, remoteAddr=}]>
>>>>>> and elements not expected:
>>>>>>   <[FakeMail{msg=null, recipients=[ot...@james.apache.org,
>>>>>> a...@james.apache.org], name=mail_name-to-james.apache.org, 
>>>>>> sender=null,
>>>>>> state=null, errorMessage=null, lastUpdated=null, attributes={}, 
>>>>>> size=0,
>>>>>> remoteAddr=}]>
>>>>>> Just another encoding-issue based on non-standard non-EN/US setup 
>>>>>> (all
>>>>>> systems share locale de-de)? This seems to be another issue based on
>>>>>> wrong String comparison.
>>>>>> So - to complete this kinda sarcastic-ish mail with a few final 
>>>>>> words:
>>>>>> 1.) Does anyone of you have any clue why the same source behave so
>>>>>> differently on different systems? This is somehow against anything 
>>>>>> else
>>>>>> I know about Javas famous "write once - run everywhere".
>>>>>> 2.) Could anybody please be so kind to just get a me quick overview
>>>>>> about how to correctly setup a working build environment to get the
>>>>>> current source built successfully?
>>>>>> Call me stupid - or just naiv cause I don'T know anything about 
>>>>>> modern
>>>>>> development on projects this size - but as a Windows-98 kid from 
>>>>>> times
>>>>>> where Google didn't existed yet and just got few low-ish games by 
>>>>>> burned
>>>>>> CDs from school friends (online DRM wasn't a thing back then) who is
>>>>>> just used to "double-click on setup/install and hit next until it 
>>>>>> says
>>>>>> fin" - there is no clue why this to-be-simple-magic-box called "PC"
>>>>>> under my desk behaves this way. It's just a big calculator - and I
>>>>>> expect it to output 2 if I enter 1+1. Maybe someone can explain ...
>>>>>> I don'T really expect any serious response/reply - nor to have any
>>>>>> changes in the source - but as Benoit Tellier (btw: big shout outs to
>>>>>> him) once told me: each commit gets auto-compiled and only passed 
>>>>>> ones
>>>>>> even released to public - so it has to be some sort of error on my 
>>>>>> site.
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