For the problem du jour.... when I start JAMES, all of the expected log files get created.  The main log output  goes to the console and to the james-server.log file as expected.  No problem there.  But the remainder of the log files never get touched.  No matter what happens, every file in the log folder other than james-server.log is empty.  I've tried changing and setting everything to DEBUG level.  The console log dumps a bunch more info while in DEBUG mode (which confirms I'm changing the correct log4j file).  But every other log file is still empty.  I used to see my mailet output in the main console and james-server.log in b5.  I'm not seeing any of that anywhere. Again, I've played around with (I made sure I was using the latest 3.3.0 file).  Nothing.  What am I doing wrong?  How can I get log data to start going into those other files?

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