Maybe I could help on that one:

The mailet logging had been migrated to a standard SLF4J approach.

Before that, all mailet logs went though a single logger, exposed as
part of the MailetContext object.

Before 3.0.0 release we altered that behavior, and create one logger per
mailet class for bundled mailets.

In the end, this enabled simpler logging filtering - on a per mailet
basis, got rid of the imperfect logging facade exposed in the mailet API
(no placeholder for instance), and also killed some "debug"
configuration parameters.

I believe that your log4j configuration file inherited from beta5 needs
to be revisited to adapt these changes.

Hope it helps.


On 18/09/2019 09:10, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> Not good news for me, however.  My mailet flow that worked in v3b5 is
> crashing now, and none of the log output I'm writing from my mailets is
> showing up anywhere.  I've GOT to see that log info some place in order
> to debug both my mailets as well as my mailet flow that is somehow no
> longer compatible.  All I get is a 'mail received' message, and an error
> saying it can't launch one of my mailets because there is a recursive
> loop in my flow (there is not, or at least there was not when it running
> in v3b5).
> There's got to be a way to see mailet log data.  Tellier?
> On 9/17/2019 9:02 PM, Garry Hurley wrote:
>> It’s not you. I have the same issue. I think those other log files are
>> just there for backwards compatibility to make users feel good, since
>> they never seem to be written to. “No news is good news” as the saying
>> goes.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 17, 2019, at 4:34 PM, Jerry Malcolm <>
>>> wrote:
>>> For the problem du jour.... when I start JAMES, all of the expected
>>> log files get created.  The main log output  goes to the console and
>>> to the james-server.log file as expected.  No problem there.  But the
>>> remainder of the log files never get touched.  No matter what
>>> happens, every file in the log folder other than james-server.log is
>>> empty.  I've tried changing and setting everything
>>> to DEBUG level.  The console log dumps a bunch more info while in
>>> DEBUG mode (which confirms I'm changing the correct log4j file).  But
>>> every other log file is still empty.  I used to see my mailet output
>>> in the main console and james-server.log in b5.  I'm not seeing any
>>> of that anywhere. Again, I've played around with (I
>>> made sure I was using the latest 3.3.0 file). 
>>> Nothing.  What am I doing wrong?  How can I get log data to start
>>> going into those other files?
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