FYI proposes an extension: 
integration with CrowdSec and would not only benefit from an online database 
but also could be easier to configure with James.

While I miss the time to work on this myself, I would happily provide guidance 
for the braves engaging in this handover...


Best regards,


General manager of Linagora VIETNAM.

Product owner for Team-Mail product.

Chairman of the Apache James project.


Tel: (0033) 6 77 26 04 58 (WhatsApp, Signal)

On Jun 16, 2023 5:20 PM, from Günter Paul Hi David,

You're right of course and I get that too. My problem is that I have no way to 
solve the problem directly with the firewall. I have very simple rules that say 
no more than 4 new connections are allowed on the smpt port from one IP address 
(I have similar rules for other ports):

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp -d $MYHOST --dport 25 -m state --state NEW -m recent 
--set --name DDOS-SMTP
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp -d $MYHOST --dport 25 -m state --state NEW -m recent 
--update --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --name DDOS-SMTP -j DROP

It doesn't always work for James though. I also described this in the first 
post on this topic. The attacker open a connection and keeps trying to log in, 
more than 100 attempts in a few seconds. And the connection remains open so the 
firewall-rule doesn't work.

My approach would be that James closes the connection after e.g. three 
attempts, that should be configurable. Then the standard firewall rules could 
take effect again.

Best wishes


> David Matthews <> hat am 16.06.2023 08:47 CEST 
> geschrieben:
> hi Gunter
> >The best way I think would be if James could handle this internally. Until 
> >then, fail2ban is a good alternative.
> I  think you are misunderstanding. Neither james or any other mail exchanger 
> or imap server can take over the work fail2ban can do. Fail2ban can provide a 
> dynamic firewall, by blocking ip addresses that misbehave on the fly. This 
> blocking happens at network level rather than application level so is much 
> more efficient and safer than james/exim4/postfix alone can achieve with even 
> the finest configuration tweaks.
> --
> David Matthews
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Günter Paul
Hirschbachstraße 4a
53506 Ahrbrück
Tel.: +4926436747
Mobile: +491759140889

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