On 8/6/2013 10:59 AM, Erik Gahlin wrote:
Please review this change.

An exception from JConsole plug-in should not affect other tabs.

Added a plug-in proxy that handles RE. If debug mode is enabled exceptions are written to System.err. Tested by adding faked exceptions to the JTop plug-in.

Code is targeted for jdk7.


The approach is okay. You added a ExceptionSafePlugin.executeSwingWorker method which isn't used though. In other words, jconsole will be affected if SwingWorker returned by newSwingWorker throws an exception.

I wonder if it should inform the user when it detects any exception thrown by a plugin rather than ignoring it. It seems that a user feedback is appropriate in this case to inform the user that the plugin stops working and maybe something like whether they want to continue without this plugin or exit.


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