On 05/01/2016 13:52, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
On 4.1.2016 21:26, Eamonn McManus wrote:
I think this test should either be deleted or reduced to a simple check
that the MBeanServerDelegate's ImplementationVersion attribute is equal
to System.getProperty("java.runtime.version"). The whole business of
starting up a separate process and checking things with security
managers and so on is completely obsolete.

I would leave this for SQE to decide. Removing the security manager part would change the semantics of the test.

I would suggest dealing with this in a separate issue not to block the effort of removing references to 'sun.boot.class.path' for jigsaw.
Just to say that sun.boot.class.path is already removed in the jake forest. I created JDK-8143047 to re-examine this test as it looked like it was obsolete and could be deleted. So no urgently fixing this, it's not blocking anything.


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