Hi Erik,

On Tuesday 05 September 2017 10:00 PM, Erik Gahlin wrote:
Hi Harsha,

Looping in jmx-dev.

> byte[], short[], int[], float[], double[]

Should long[] be included there as well?
Yes. Thanks.

> The REST adapter will come with a simple and lightweight JSON parser.

Is this an internal parser or will it be exposed as an API?
It is an internal parser.

If so, how does it relate to JEP 198: Light-Weight JSON API?
It is written from scratch using JavaCC and is not related to above JEP.

Will com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer be used to serve the requests?


Hi All,

Please review the JEP for REST APIs for JMX :

The JEP aims at providing RESTful web interfaces to MBeans.

Access to MBeans registered in a MBeanServer running inside a JVM requires a Java client. Language-agnostic access to MBeans will require spawning a Java client which can be cumbersome. The proposed JEP allows MBeans to be accessed in a language/platform-independent, ubiquitous and seamless manner.


- Harsha

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