Hi Jc,

The fix looks good.
I'll sponsor a push once it has been reviewed.


On 7/11/18 10:04, JC Beyler wrote:
Hi all,

Could someone review the small-ish webrev for the bug:

The webrev is here:

Basically, the tests were failing for two reasons:
  - VMEventTest was failing because Graal does not support DisableIntrinsic required by the test, I disabled testing the test with Graal in this case
  - The other tests were failing because the BCI <-> source code line numbers are not always correct when using Graal via uncommon traps; therefore the tests now check if Graal is being used and, if so, only checks the method names. This allows us to still have tests working with Graal, albeit a bit more coarse.

This passes all the HeapMonitor tests with -vmoptions:"-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableJVMCI -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler -Djvmci.Compiler=graal" 

(Except the GCCMS one which is being fixed via the one-liner for JDK-8205643).

Let me know what you think,

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