On 2019-08-16 00:59, Kim Barrett wrote:
On Aug 15, 2019, at 7:46 AM, Stefan Karlsson <stefan.karls...@oracle.com> wrote:

Thanks Kim, Roman, Dan and Coleen for reviews and feedback.

I rebased the patch, fixed more alignments, renamed the bug, and rerun the test 
through tier1-3.


Could I get reviews for this version? I'd also like to ask others to at least 
partially look at this:

Here's my comments through webrev.valueMarkWord.03.

Looks good.  There are a couple of small fixes for which I don't need
a new webrev, which are listed first below.  Then there are some
broader items which could be addressed in followup improvements.

  109   template<typename T> operator T();

My mistake in the earlier review comment.  Function should be const
qualified, e.g. that should be

   template<typename T> operator T() const;

I added this after one of our earlier discussions. However, I don't think we need it (const or not). We already get sensible compiler errors without this function when we try to cast markWords to something else:

void* p0 = m;

void* p1 = (void*)m;

int i0 = m;

  int   i1 = (int)m;

error: cannot convert ‘markWord’ to ‘void*’ in initialization

void* p0 = m;


error: invalid cast from type ‘markWord’ to type ‘void*’

void* p1 = (void*)m;


error: cannot convert ‘markWord’ to ‘int’ in initialization

int i0 = m;


error: invalid cast from type ‘markWord’ to type ‘int’

int i1 = (int)m;

The poisoned constructor seems to be unnecessary as well, now that we have simplified markWord. Without it, I get appropriate error messages when I try to create a markWord from a pointer:

error: invalid conversion from ‘void*’ to ‘uintptr_t’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} [-fpermissive]

markWord p((void*)0x111);


note: initializing argument 1 of ‘markWord::markWord(uintptr_t)’

   explicit markWord(uintptr_t value) : _value(value) { }

I've removed both of these.

  695                                              prototype.bias_epoch() == 
mark.bias_epoch())) {

I think one more leading space needs to be deleted to get proper
alignment here.  Or reformat this long and complex if control

OK. I followed the pre-existing alignment, but I can change it anyway.

  244                         // FIXME: mark is set but not used below.
  245                         //        Either the comment or the code is 

Is there a bug for this?

Created JDK-8229808.


The remainder seem like they could be followup improvements.

  138   static const uintptr_t zero     = 0;

All occurrences of this are either
(1) markWord member initializater
(2) markWord variable initializer
(3) temporary markWord initializer

There don't appear to be any bare uses otherwise.  I think nicer is

static markWord zero() { return markWord(0); }

(For C++11: `static constexpr markWord zero = markWord(0);`)

This seems like it could be a followup improvement.

I had the same thought and then backed away from it, but I can't remember why. This is a small enough change, so I've gone through the few occurrences and cleaned it up.

I'll leave the rest of the comments below for follow-up RFEs.

This is the last few cleanups:

I ran extended testing on .03 (tier1-7 on linux), checked the markWord functions were inlined, and checked that the generated code for G1ParScanThreadState::copy_to_survivor_space was the same before and after the patch. So I intend to run tier1 testing on .04 and then push this patch.



[This is also related to Coleen's comments about to_pointer.]

Looking at the changes, in order to reduce the amount of casting pixie
dust sprinkled on our code base, I now think markWord::to_pointer
should have a template overload, with the template parameter
designating the return type.  And I think the return type for the
non-template should be const qualified, and the template should handle
cv qualifiers.  Like so (I think, I haven't actually tested this)

   const void* to_pointer() const {
     return reinterpret_cast<void*>(_value);

   template<typename T>
   T* to_pointer() const {
     typedef typename RemoveCV<T>::type TT;
     return reinterpret_cast<TT*>(_value);

If one wants a void* then use m.to_pointer<void>().

(I almost want to call it "pointer_to" so it reads "pointer to T".)

Coleen and I talked about a possible alternative to the template
overload.  Perhaps there is a small and fixed number of pointer types
we want to support conversion to, in which case we could have a small
number of type-specific to_xxx_pointer variants?  But I'm not sure the
number is actually small and fixed.

This seems like it could be a followup improvement.


In the run() function, there are a lot of casts of markWord::value()
results or constants from markWord that I think could be removed.
Some of them might want C++11 explicitly typed enums though.

This seems like it could be a followup improvement.


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