On Wed, 29 Jun 2022 22:46:30 GMT, Chris Plummer <cjplum...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> I just noticed the test is being added to a newly created 
> hotspot/jtreg/serviciability/jdi directory. It should be placed in one of the 
> existing jdi test locations, either nsk/jdi or jdk/com/sun/jdi. I think the 
> latter would be better and it can leverage TestScaffold.
> Another reason to use TestScaffold is that it will automatically add any 
> specified VM options to the debuggee:
> ```
>         String vmOpts = System.getProperty("test.vm.opts");
>         System.out.println("vmOpts: '" + vmOpts + "'");
> ```
> This way when we do our testing with various GC configurations, it should end 
> up testing the debuggee with each GC configuration also. Same goes with other 
> VM options that get tested like -Xcomp.

Moved new test to jdk/com/sun/jdi.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/9168

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