On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 22:14:39 GMT, Patricio Chilano Mateo 
<pchilanom...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Please review the following fix. The Method instance representing 
> Continuation.enterSpecial() is replaced by a new Method during redefinition 
> of the Continuation class. The already existing nmethod for it is not used, 
> but a new one will be generated the first time enterSpecial() is resolved 
> after redefinition. This means we could have more than one nmethod 
> representing enterSpecial(), in particular, one generated before redefinition 
> took place, and one after it. Now, when walking the stack, if we found a 
> return barrier pc (as in Continuation::is_return_barrier_entry()) and we want 
> to keep walking the physical stack then we know the sender will be the 
> enterSpecial frame so we create it by calling ContinuationEntry::to_frame(). 
> This method assumes there can only be one nmethod associated with 
> enterSpecial() so we hit an assert later on. See the bug for more details of 
> the crash.
> As I mentioned in the bug we don't need to rely on this assumption since we 
> can re-read the updated value from _enter_special. But reading both 
> _enter_special and _return_pc means we would need some kind of 
> synchronization since to_frame() could be called concurrently with 
> set_enter_code(). To avoid that we could just read _return_pc and calculate 
> the blob from it each time, but I'm also assuming that overhead is undesired 
> and that's why the static variable was introduced. Alternatively 
> _enter_special could be read and _return_pc could be derived from it (by 
> adding an extra field in the nmethod class). But if we go this route I think 
> we would need to do a small fix on thaw too. After redefinition and before a 
> new call to resolve enterSpecial(), the last thaw call for some virtual 
> thread would create an entry frame with an old _return_pc (see 
> ThawBase::new_entry_frame() and ThawBase::patch_return()). I'm not sure about 
> the lifecycle of the old CodeBlob but it seems it could have bee
 n already removed if enterSpecial was not found while traversing everybody's 
stack. Maybe there are more issues.
> The simple solution implemented here is just to disallow redefinition of the 
> Continuation class altogether. Another less restrictive option would be to 
> keep the already generated enterSpecial nmethod, if there is one. I can also 
> investigate one of the routes mentioned previously if desired.
> I tested the fix with the simple reproducer I added to the bug and also with 
> the previously crashing HelidonAppTest.java test.
> Thanks,
> Patricio

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 8b740b46
Author:    Patricio Chilano Mateo <pchilanom...@openjdk.org>
Stats:     4 lines in 1 file changed: 4 ins; 0 del; 0 mod

8302779: HelidonAppTest.java fails with "assert(_cb == 
CodeCache::find_blob(pc())) failed: Must be the same" or SIGSEGV

Reviewed-by: coleenp, sspitsyn


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/12911

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