The JVMTI function `SetEventNotificationMode` can set notification mode globally (`event_thread == nullptr`) for all threads or for a specific thread (`event_thread != nullptr`). To get a stable mount/unmount vision of virtual threads a JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler helper object is created : `JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler disabler(event_thread);`
In a case if `event_thread == nullptr` the VTMS transitions are disabled for all virtual thread, otherwise they are disabled for a specific thread if it is virtual. The call to `JvmtiEventController::set_user_enabled()` makes a call to `recompute_enabled()` at the end of its work to do a required bookkeeping. As part of this work, the `recompute_thread_enabled(state)` is called for each thread from the `ThreadsListHandle`, not only for the given specific `event_thread`. This can cause crashes as VTMS transitions for other virtual threads are allowed. Crashes are observed in this small function: bool is_interp_only_mode() { return _thread == nullptr ? _saved_interp_only_mode != 0 : _thread->is_interp_only_mode(); } In a case `_thread != nullptr` then the call needs to be executed: `_thread->is_interp_only_mode()`. But the filed `_thread` can be already changed to `nullptr` by a VTMS transition. The fix is to always disable all transitions. Thanks to Dan and Patricio for great analysis of this crash! Testing: - In progress: mach5 tiers 1-6 ------------- Commit messages: - 8303086: SIGSEGV in JavaThread::is_interp_only_mode() Changes: Webrev: Issue: Stats: 1 line in 1 file changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 1 mod Patch: Fetch: git fetch pull/14728/head:pull/14728 PR: