
Sounds like a good plan.

I don't think it causes any problems, we aren't creating them now.  These 
counters are in jdk8u.  The jcmd "jcmd PID PerfCounter.print" shows them when 
attaching to a JDK8 process.  But if nothing relies on them being there…

"An API element should not be removed from the Java SE specification unless it 
has been delivered with an annotation of @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) in a 
previous version of Java SE."

So deprecations need to be "upgraded" to forRemoval, this will take a few 
updates to get them removed.


public java.util.List<CompilerThreadStat> getCompilerThreadStats();

.. need to consider whether a method is removed or  just "degraded" (not return 
any information, or throw).

That said, I see sun.management.CompilationImpl[java.lang:type=Compilation] 
..rather than HotspotCompilation.

ManagementFactoryHelper.java: getCompilationMXBean() specifically creates a 
CompilationImpl, users don’t normally see the HotspotCompilation mbean.

Elsewhere in that file, registerInternalMBeans() does:
517         // CompilationMBean may not exist
518         if (getCompilationMXBean() != null) { <-- returns new 
519             addMBean(mbs, getHotspotCompilationMBean(), <-- returns new 
520                 HOTSPOT_COMPILATION_MBEAN_NAME); <-- which is 
521         }

HotspotInternal (HotspotInternalMBean) calls 
HotspotInternal is a non-public API, and might be the way of acquiring a 

The role of HotspotCompilationMBean needs more investigation, but basically yes 
to the idea. 8-)


From: serviceability-dev <serviceability-dev-r...@openjdk.org> On Behalf Of 
Eirik Bjørsnøs
Sent: 14 March 2024 17:06
To: serviceability-dev@openjdk.org
Subject: RFD: Can we remove per-thread compiler stats now?


Per-thread compiler performance counters were removed in JDK-8134607 [1] (JDK 
9). The corresponding sun.management API was marked @Deprecated since it no 
longer returns any useful counter data.

Has time come to remove this API now?

My understanding is that since sun.management is an internal package this 
should be low risk. But this being JMX-related, is there maybe some concern to 
this being used in some remote/RMI scenario?

If not, I'd like to propose a PR to remove the following:

* Class sun.management.CompilerThreadStat
* Nested class sun.management.HotspotCompilation.CompilerThreadInfo
* Field sun.management.HotspotCompilation.threads and its initialization
* Method sun.management.HotspotCompilation.getCompilerThreadStats() and its 
definition in HotspotCompilationMBean

Let me know what you think

Eirik :-)

[1] https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8134607

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