Dear All,

I really need your help! 
I have to upgrade a plone site (that is currently working on a live server)
to 4.0.2 release.
It has the following old configuration: 

* Plone 3.1.6
* CMF 2.1.1
* Zope (Zope 2.10.6-final, python 2.4.4, win32)
* Python 2.4.4 (#71, Oct 18 2006, 08:34:43) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
* PIL 1.1.6

and it is currently running behind an Apache 2.2.3 web server.

The upgrade user-guide says that I have to follow 3 steps:
    1) from 3.1.6 to 3.2;
    2) from 3.2 to 3.3.5;
    3) from 3.3.5 to 4.0.2.

My questions are:

1) The upgrade-guide is really clear on this point: "Trying to update an
existing buildout in place is not recommended. Work on a copy of your
buildout configuration and site data until you are confident that the
upgrade runs successfully". OK. So, can I install a copy (developing) site
on the live server but under a different path? If yes, have I to change also
the http port from 80 to something else?

2) After the upgrade (on the copy), have I to exactly repeat the successful
procedure to the live server or just substitute the Plone folder with the
new one?

Many thanks in advance!

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