On 4/7/11 2:40 PM, phep wrote:


While it seemed less fun (albeit somehow more academic), I also tried to
modify versions.cfg to bump plone.app.portlets to the fixed version

why do you consider this to be an academic exercise ;-)

without any more success :
Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'plone.app.portlets==2.0.12'.

Note that the ticket states 2.1.2

Still you won't find that on pypi I think. At leat

suggests 2.0.3 is the latest one available from there.

Meanwhile, after some more googling, I found that creating a dummy plone
instance from the ZMI did the trick. But this is really no fun at all ;-)

So, I would be very thankful if someone would be kind enough to point me
to some documentation where it is explained how to tell a deployed Plone
instance to take into account whichever patch has been applied locally
(in the buildout-cache, I mean).

Browse into the cache. Look for the relevant file. Change it.
Restart your server.

You didn't get that from me, though, as this is not how you
are supposed to do that ;-)




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