I'm sure noone's deliberately ignoring the list - I know for a fact that people within the Sun desktop world greatly appreciate it.

Stoyan, I'll raise this with the product marketing people and ask for the link to be placed on the community page.


Stoyan Angelov wrote:
still alive... i can't understand why is the list being deliberately ignored. who said "share" (http://www.sun.com/aboutsun/share/index.jsp)?

Blaster wrote:
There's a few other issues as well:

1) The SGD group within Sun doesn't seem as community friendly as say, the Sun Ray team, who's participation in the Sun Ray list seems to exceed even
the general populace.

true. when the list was first created i have registered it on sun's bigadmin web site (discussions area). after several weeks the link to the list was removed. i also sent a a message to sun asking for the list to be included in the "community" page (http://www.sun.com/software/products/sgd/community.jsp) as external community" resource... got no answer at all.

adding to the list of issues:
why do we get a new builds of SGD instead of patches ?

2) The SGD documentation sucks. SGD is very powerful and very complex piece
of software, but the documentation is horrid.

OT: i was able to find this unofficial pdf copy of the documentation for SGD 4.3: http://www.filibeto.org/sun/sgd-users/lib/docs/4.3/sgd-4.3-doc-collection.pdf



3) Sun has never been good at marketing, and it's real bad with SGD. No one at Sun that I've spoken to knows what it is or what it does. Everyone knows about Solaris (of course!), Sun Ray, storage offerings, etc, but mention SGD
and you get dumb looks.

SGD-Users mailing list

Christopher Saul
Desktop Sales Manager
Sun Microsystems SEE
Mobile:   +971 50 650 7041
Office:   +971 4  366 2634              
Ext:      x12634        
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