
Thanks for posting the links for the pictures.

I've been following the thread on turbododge.com.  When I saw the pictures on 
eBay, for some reason, I just couldn't visualize what the Daytona would look 
like with a shiny coat of paint.

The pictures of the Laser look great.  I would just replace the Laser taillight 
with Daytona taillights, and install a rear wing on it.  It really looks like 
it needs a wing back there.



Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 22:35:52 -0400
From: "David Salamone" 
Subject: Re: SD> Daytona convertible

> Just saw this on e-bay anyone ever heard of such a thing? Pretty wild.
> Brett
> Item number: 4559004855

An older friend of mine that was into Shelby's when they were new saw a
convertible version of a Chrysler Laser being sold at a Dodge dealership in
central Florida when he was looking for a GLH. It looks nearly identicaI to
the ones in the pictures in the eBay ad.

I believe the story was that there were a number of them sent off to be
altered and they were going to see what kind of feedback they got.
Supposedly a local friend of mine knows someone who has one that he's wanted
to buy for years. Is it a factory "prototype"? I don't think so, nor is it
only 1 of 5. Here's some pretty cool pics he took of it in the mid 1980's.


David Salamone
Positive Impressions
PO Box 27073
Jacksonville, Florida 32205
904-388-4040 phone

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