Dear AMM/Muhammad,
Salaamun Alaikum,
I am NOT a scholar but I thought I may add my 2 bits worth of thoughts
to this discussion.
Guy Fawkes's action is still celebrated to date by Britons. <Guy
Fawkes Night (also known as Bonfire Night, Cracker Night, Fireworks
Night, Bonny Night) is an annual celebration on the evening of the 5th
of November. ...>  Check Google and you'll get
all the details on this historical incident, IF U R unaware of Guy

Society in all centuries has always "BOOED" a leader's bad actions.
Today U wouldn't tolerate your PM having a mistress or praising
Gorbachev/Iran, would U? You would "Boo" him surely.
If U say Hazrat Ali A.S. <your words: "By Allah, I believe Ali is the
first Imam to me"> Show me ONE small bad act/mistake Ali has done
since he was born, None. Except killing the enemies of Islam in
battles....Which is the basis of the treachery, greed, hatred and
enmity Ali had to face, loosing his right to khilafa, burning of Bibi
Fatimah Zahra's house which ultimately led to her death and the
progeny of Ali <the Imams after Ali> facing treachery throughout their

And if one praises one or boos another, there is a VALID reason behind
this act.
I hope You will CONSIDER THE ABOVE FACTS,,  and conclude rightly.
As a friendly advice, I suggest you read Dr Jaffer Tijani's books
"Then I was Guided ..."
On May 11, 1:19 am, Alex McDavid McDavid <>
> Assalam Alaikum
> Dear Seyyid Rizvi
> The society of Medina was not all so bad that they can allow that to 
> heppen!!! Fatimah was not such an enemy of Omar so that all of such 
> atrocities to have fallen to him from Omar but Allah knows the best! Taking 
> in consideration that this story and their examples were taken only in the 
> Hadith or Historical books, they are not so correct, hence they are not a 
> part of revelation, they are from hearsay and not the Koran or something 
> which is not subjected to criticism.
> Me and You and Omar and other Muslims have good things in us and also bad, 
> Allah may forgive us our sins but please leave the dead people alone and 
> leave their amals and deeds to Allah, Allah may choose to punish or forgive 
> them, You are wasting all your time to abuse those who habve already died 
> instead of looking forward to amend or reconcilliate between the Muslims and 
> so make a strong Ummah.
> Omar has done many good things in his life, will you please or praise him a 
> little as he was praised by Imam Ali in Nahjulbalagha regardless of not 
> believing in his caliphate??
> By Allah, I believe Ali is the first Imam to me but I do not discredit the 
> merits of Omar unjustly, I know that he has done allot of good for Islam and 
> I leave behind what bad he has done hence Allah is the Judge and not me.
> Thanks.
> MacDavid.
> Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 09:35:40 -0700
> From:
> Subject: [Shia Group] Fw: References of Ahle Sunnat pertaining to the burning 
> of house of Janabe Zahra (s.a.)
> To:
> _________________________________________________________________
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