Burning of the door of Janabe Zahra(sa)

Umar ordered the group to gather the wood and he, himself came forward with the 
fire.[1]He was screaming,  
“Burn the house! Burn the house along with its people!�[2] 
Janabe Zahra (s.a.) raised her voice and wailed,  
“O father! O Prophet of Allah! After your departure, Ibne Khattab (Umar) and 
Ibne Quhafah (Abu Bakr) troubled us a lot and caused us distress to no end.� 
the people heard the wailing of Janabe Zahra (s.a.), they too began
weeping and, in that condition, left that place. Now just Umar and a
few people remained there.[3]Umar asked for the fire and set the door 
alight.[4]The wood gathered at the door caught fire.[5]The entire house was 
filled with smoke.[6]Qunfuz put his hand inside to open the door.[7] 
Janabe Zahra (s.a.) held the door tightly with both her hands and prevented 
them from opening the door. She said,  
implore you for the sake of Allah and for the sake of my father, the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)! Leave us alone and return to your homes.� 
ordered Qunfuz to bring a whip and strike Janabe Zahra (s.a.) with it.
The whip struck her on the hand and left a black mark on it.[8] 
Umar then kicked at the door and broke it down.[9]Janabe Zahra (s.a.) turned 
her womb away from the door to protect it
and shield it from the door. All this while, Umar kept on kicking the
door.[10]He crushed Janabe Zahra (s.a.) with great force between the door and
the adjoining wall. She was in so much difficulty that it appeared that
she would die there. 
A nail on the door pierced her chest.[11]Her chest and arms were stained with 
her blood[12]– blood that was flowing with great force from her wounds. She 
on her face and came down to the ground. At this time, the fire was
still burning.[13]She raised her voice in a heart-rending plea,  
father! O Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.a.), look at what the people have
done to your darling daughter! O Fizzah! Come and help me. By Allah!
they have killed the child in my womb.� 
She managed to stand with support from the wall. She was in severe pain and was 
experiencing intense labour pain.[14]The six month old Mohsin was martyred in 
her womb.[15]At that time, Umar entered her house….(here at this place, the
narrator has described the such horrifying events that one cannot even
enumerate…)… and her earnings fell on the ground and got scattered.[16] 

[1]    Tafseer’e Ayyashi, volume 2 page 307.
[2]    Al Milalo was Nihal, volume 1 page 57
[3]    Al Imamah was Siyasah, volume 1 page 20;Al Mustarshid, page 377/378. 
[4]    Sulaym Ibne’ Qays, page 250.
[5]    Al Hidayatul Kubra, page 407; Behaarul Anwaar, volume 53 page 19.
[6]    Ash Shaafi by Sayyed Murtaza, volume 3 page 241.
[7]    Al Hidayatul Kubra, page 407; Behaarul Anwaar, volume 53 page 19.
[8]    Ibid. page 178/179 and page 407; Behaarul Anwaar, volume 53 page 13.
[9]    Tafseer’e Ayyashi, volume 2 page 67; Al Ikhtesas, page 176.
[10]   Dalaelul Imamah, volume 2; Behaarul Anwaar, volume 30 page 294.
[11]   Muattamire’ Ulamae’ Baghdad, page 63 (Sunni reference).
[12]   Kaukabe’ Durri page 194-195.
[13]   Al Hidayatul Kubra, page 178/179.
[14]   Dalaelul Imamah, volume 2; Behaarul Anwaar, volume 30 page 294.
[15]   Al Hidayatul Kubra, page 407; Behaarul Anwaar, volume 53 page 19.
[16]   Dalaelul
Imamah, volume 2; Behaarul Anwaar, volume 30 page 294 & 349; Al
Hidayatul Kubra, page 179/407; Al Mukhtasar, page 44/45. As per some
traditions, these crimes were committed when Hazrat Ali (as) was being
dragged away. Refer Kaukabe’ Durri page 195.

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