Demand of Fadak and its political reasons

It may be said that Fatima Zahra (p.b.u.h) (the Lady of Paradise) was least 
interested in the worldly possessions. And a person who had all along remained 
aloof from such things of the world and did not like at all rather hated its 
deceit and intrigues, on what grounds she consistently agitated before the 
Government for assertion of her rights over Fadak?
She (p.b.u.h) being a Lady of exalted disposition, enjoying great spiritual 
prestige where these characteristics of hers were well accepted by all in the 
Islamic world, why was she so persistent on the question of Fadak? And she 
continued her struggle for its return so that the land which was usurped by the 
government could come back to her. After all what was the reason behind all 
these efforts? Specially when she was least interested in the world and its 
possessions, and in her eyes the value of it was less than mucus coming out of 
goat’s sneeze or was even lower value than a bone of a pig in the mouth of a 
leper; and was lighter than the wing of a fly.
What was the factor that had forced her (p.b.u.h) to bear all these hardships, 
affliction and troubles? Was a small piece of land and a few date trees the 
cause of it? She was fully aware that all her efforts would go in vain and that 
she would not get back the land from the Government. It is but natural that 
such questions arise in the minds 

To find out the reasons click on the following link

A few traditions on Janabe Zahra (s.a.)

The Holy Birth of Janabe Batool (s.a.)

Ayesha narrates from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that during his Accession 
(Meraj), he had seen a very beautiful tree, the like of which he had never seen 
before. He ate a fruit of that tree, from which the essence of Janabe Fatema 
(a.s.) was prepared, and on his return, he transferred that essence towards 
Khadija. Therefore, whenever, he (Prophet) wished to smell the scent of 
Paradise, he used to smell Janabe Fatema (a.s.). 

Darr-ul-Mansoor, Book 5, page 218, "Zakhairul Uqbah" page 36, "Mustadrak", Book 
3, page 156, "Tareeq-e-Baghdad", Book 5, page 87
When Janabe Fatema (a.s.), was in the womb of her mother, she used to talk to 

Mansoori Shafaiee in his book titled "Nuzhetul Majalis", Book 2, page 227, and 
Dahlavi, in "Tajhers-ul-Jaish"

Reason for the creation of the universe

Ibn Abbas relates from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that, "When Allah (s.w.t.) 
created Hazrat Adam (a.s.) and Angels prostrated before him, Adam (a.s.) asked 
Allah (s.w.t.) whether He had created any one, who was more dear to Him." Allah 
(s.w.t.) replied, "Yes! If it were not for them, I would not have created you." 
Then Hazrat Adam (a.s.) expressed his desire to see them. At that time, Allah 
(s.w.t.) ordered the Angels to set aside the curtain and Hazrat Adam (a.s.) saw 
five shadows in front of the Throne (Arsh) of Allah. He (Adam) then asked "O' 
Allah! Who are they?" Allah (s.w.t.) replied "This is Prophet Mohammad 
(s.a.w.a.), his cousin brother and successor, Ameerul Momeneen Ali (a.s.), 
Fatema the beloved daughter of my Messenger and the sons of Ali and the 
Prophet, Hasan and Husain. Listen O Adam, they are among your progeny." 

Ref: Shaikul Islam Hamuveni in his book "Faradalus Semta'een", Book-1, page 36
Love of Janabe Fatema (s.a.) will save you at 100 places

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) informed Salmaan  that, "He who befriends Fatema, will 
be with me in the Paradise and he who bears enmity towards Fatema , will enter 
the fire of Hell. O' Salmaan! Love of Fatema  will save you at 100 places. Out 
of these, the few that are the least difficult are: Death (Maut), Grave (Qabr), 
Scales (Mizan), Day of Rising (Hashr), Bridge of Seraat and Accounting (Hisab). 
He with whom my daughter is pleased, I am also be pleased with him, and with 
whom, I am pleased, Allah is also pleased with him. And he, with whom Fatema is 
angry, I am angry with him, and when I am angry, Allah is also angry. The worst 
of men is the one who oppresses Fatema or her husband Ameerul Momeneen or any 
of her sons or any of her Shiah." 

Allama Hamuveni, in his valuable book "Faradaius Simta'een", Book 2, page 67
Paradise on Salutation

Yazid Abdul Malik relates from his grandfather that, when he went to Fatema 
(a.s.), she took initiative in saluting him and said that when her father 
(Prophet) was alive, he used to say that whosoever sends salaams to him 
(Prophet) and to me continuously for three days, will earn Paradise.
Then the narrator asked, "Is it during your lifetime?"
She (Fatema) said, "Be it in my lifetime or after that, it makes no 

Allamah Ibn Mughazali Shafaiee in his book "Manaqib" page 363

Equal in rank to Imam Ali (a.s.)

Umme Salma has related from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) that "If Allah would 
not have created Ali Bin Abi Talib, there would not have been any one equal to 
the rank of Fatema (a.s.)." 

Khwarazmi in "Maqtalul Husain" and Manavi in "Kunoozul Haqayaq"

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