After the fall
of Mecca Kaaba came under the control of the Prophet (S.A.W). The breaking of
the idols and banning entries of the non-Muslims in it caused bitter reactions
on the non Muslim population of Mecca 
and its surrounding hamlets, for this was the holy place of worship for them.
The hypocrites too who had embraced Islam for their own personal gains or out
of fear were also not happy with this ban because in their hearts they were
still idol worshipers and were having sympathies with the infidels. Among these
people were two powerful Beduin tribes of Bani Hawazin and Bani Saqeef. These
two tribes joined hands with Bani Nasr, Bani Saad, Bani Husham and Bani Halal
to fight and take back their place of worship. The new converts who had
embraced Islam only after the fall of Mecca 
also assured them of all help. Thus a force of twenty thousand people gather
under the leadership of Malik Bin Awf to fight the Muslims. They decided to
attack them at Tayef outside Mecca 
when the Prophet (S.A.W) and his followers leave Mecca for Madina.
When the
Prophet (S.A.W) learned about the impending attack, he left Mecca to face them 
with ten thousand Muslims,
who had accompanied him from Madina. Some two thousand newly converts from 
Mecca including some
freed slaves too volunteered to fight for Islam. Ali (A.S.) as usual was given
the banner of Islam and asked to lead the army. The Muslims reached the valley 
of Hunain at mid night. The path of Hunain
to Taif was so narrow that men could walk on it only in singles. Even camels
and horses could walk with difficulty. The enemies had planned their attack on
the Muslims from this place. They hid their archers here and had ordered them
to attack the Muslims when they cross this narrow path, from both the sides, as
well as from the front. Their strategy worked and as the Muslims entered the
narrow path the infidels attacked them from three sides. The Muslims shocked by
this sudden attack fled without putting any resistance. The first division that
fled was the one commanded by Khalid Bin Waleed. The tribe of Bani Saleem from 
Mecca which had just
embraced Islam followed them. Umar Ibnul Khattab too ran away leaving the
Prophet (S.A.W) alone. When Abu Qatada lamented on his deserting the Prophet
(S.A.W), Umar replied that it was the will of Allah.
In few moments
the entire Muslim army fled leaving the Prophet (S.A.W) alone with Ali (A.S.),
Abbas (Prophet (S.A.W)’s uncle), Aqueel (Ali (A.S.)’s brother), Abdullah Ibne
Zubair, Zubair Ibne Awam, Usman Ibne Zaid and Abu Sufian Ibnul Harris. The
Prophet (S.A.W) asked his uncle to call the Muslims and Abbas shouted with 
voice, "O Helpers (People of Madina) O People of Samra (those who had
taken the oath of Allegiance to the Prophet (S.A.W) under the tree of Samra,
known as Baitur Rizwan, at the time of signing the peace treaty of Hudaibia)
where are you running away. The Prophet (S.A.W) of Allah is here. Return, come
back, where are you going. The Apostle of The Lord is here. Return where are
you going." But nobody paid any attention to Abbas’s voice and nobody
returned. Abu Sufian gleefully taunted the Prophet (S.A.W) and said, "They
will not stop till they reach the sea shore." Many of the new converts
from Mecca had
also gathered near Abu Sufian to congratulate him for the defeat of the
Muslims. They said that the magic spell of the lying Prophet had broken now.
But the call that Abbas continued to give did have some effect and some Muslims
returned. Ali (A.S.) divided this small force into three divisions. One
division was asked to Protect the Prophet (S.A.W), the other was asked to check
from the rear and the third division he took with him to attack the attackers.
Ali (A.S.) fought and fought till he slew their commander Abu Jendal, and got
seriously hurt. But he pounced upon the enemy’s ranks and killed thirty of
them. The rest fled, and the war was won. Malik Ibne Awf fled to Taif where he
was given asylum. Abu Qatada who had also fled with the rest of the Muslims
found Umar Ibnul Khattab among the deserters of the Prophet (S.A.W), when Abu
Qatada asked as to why did he flee Umar replied, "What to do? Allah wished
so" [Sahih Bukhari, Chapter 17, page 50].
The people of
Tayef who were known for their bravery and courage attributed this strength and
success to an idol called "Al-Lat". The Prophet (S.A.W) in order to
correct them and show them that the hand-made idols cannot have power to give
anything and are themselves perishable, sent some of the Muslims to break the
idol. But the people of Tayef did not allow the Muslims to break the idol and
chased them away. The Prophet (S.A.W) then sent Ali (A.S.) who on entering the
city broke not only Al-Lat but destroyed all the pagan symbols. This greatly
hurt the feelings of Bani Khusham whose leader Shahab came out to challenge Ali
(A.S.) and was slain. Seeing their leader killed the members of Bani Khasham
surrendered. Then came the tribes of Bani Thakeef and Bani Hawazin but they too
were defeated by Ali (A.S.). Ali (A.S.) then marched towards Tayef and the
people of Tayef too surrendered before him.
In the year 9
A.H. the tribes of Wadi-ul-Ramal attempted to attack Madina. The Prophet
(S.A.W) sent two expeditions to check them but they failed. The Prophet (S.A.W)
then deputed Ali (A.S.) to tackle them. Ali (A.S.) went and finished them.
When Ali (A.S.)
was returning from this expedition he saw the Prophet (S.A.W) waiting outside
Madina to receive him. Ali (A.S.) immediately jumped from his horse and came to
the Prophet (S.A.W) on foot. The Prophet (S.A.W) was so happy with the victory
that Ali (A.S.) had achieved that he made Ali (A.S.) mount the horse again and
said, "O Ali, Allah and  His Prophet
have accepted your services" On hearing these words Ali (A.S.) wept in
The Prophet
(S.A.W) had hardly passed some days in peace when he got the news that the
Roman emperor Heracles was mobilizing a huge army to attack Madina and many of
the Arab tribes were helping him. The Prophet (S.A.W) wanted to stop them on
their way but the situation in Madina itself was so sensitive that he could not
leave the place. There was famine in Hejaz ,
Tayef and Yemen 
and the hypocrites were spreading the rumour that the famine was Allah’s curse
on the Muslims and He wants to finish them. Another rumour that the hypocrites
had spread was that the Roman army was very strong and that the defeat of the
Prophet (S.A.W) was certain. These groups were being prepared to demoralize the
Muslims and the chances of their revolting against the Prophet (S.A.W) in his
absence was certain.
The Prophet
(S.A.W) was now compelled to fight on both the fronts. He therefore appointed
Ali (A.S.) as the governor of Madina with the permission to lead the prayers
and perform all other duties the Prophet (S.A.W) himself performed. The Prophet
(S.A.W) had hardly gone some distance when the hypocrites led by Abdulla Ibne
Ubay started spreading another rumour that the Prophet (S.A.W) had deliberately
avoided Ali (A.S.) as he had some doubts about his integrity. Ali (A.S.) felt
very sad at this news. He rushed towards the Prophet (S.A.W) to confirm it. On
meeting the Prophet (S.A.W), Ali (A.S.) said, "You are leaving me behind
in the company of women and children?" The Prophet (S.A.W) consoled Ali
(A.S.) and condemned the rumour mongers and the liars. He warned Ali (A.S.) to
be vigilant against these hypocrites and enemies of Islam who were looking for
an opportunity to revolt against him and this was the reason why they did not
want him to be there in Madina, and that is the reason why he (Prophet) had
kept himy back in Madina so that he may keep them in check and also look after
the Muslim families. The Prophet (S.A.W) further assuring Ali (A.S.) of his
confidence and love for him said, "When they can call me an epileptic,
magician, neoromant and liar they can also cast aspersions on you. O Ali, you
are to me what Haroon was to Moosa" [Sahih Bukhari]. Ali (A.S.) returned
convinced to Madina and the Prophet (S.A.W) proceeded towards Tabuk where he
stayed for twenty days till the governor of Ila approached him and signed a
peace treaty.
The march to
Tabuk had its own significance for it showed the characters of the followers of
Islam. When the Prophet (S.A.W) ordered them to march, they just marched even
without proper ammunitions and enough food to last the journey. Some Muslims
took only one date as their food for the whole day. The Prophet (S.A.W)
generally tied a stone on his belly so as not to feel hungry. Abu
Zarr-e-Ghaffari was another such soldier of the Prophet (S.A.W). The camel that
he was riding was very weak and could not keep pace with the rest of the
marchers. Gradually Abu Zar was left behind from the army, and the people
thought that Abu Zar too had deserted the Prophet (S.A.W) as some of them had
done earlier, whenever the Prophet (S.A.W) was told about anybody’s desertion
he said, "Let him go away. If there is anything good in him Allah will
make him return, if there is nothing good in him it is better he has
gone." The Prophet (S.A.W) gave the same answer when the people informed
him about Abu Zar’s missing also.
But Abu Zar had
not deserted the Prophet (S.A.W). When he saw that because of his weak camel he
has been left far behind and that it would not be possible for him to be with
them on the battlefield, he climbed down from the camel and leaving it behind
he set on foot to be with the Prophet (S.A.W) soon. He walked on the burning
sand hungry and thirsty. On the way near a hilly place he saw some water, but
instead of drinking it he collected it for the Prophet (S.A.W) saying to
himself that how could he quench his thirst when his dearest friend the Prophet
(S.A.W) is thirsty. Filling his water-skin and slinging it on his shoulders he
hastened towards the Prophet (S.A.W). When the Muslims saw somebody coming
towards them informed the Prophet (S.A.W) who said it must be Abu Zar, and when
the man came nearer the Muslims recognised him to be Abu Zar. He was so 
due to hunger and thirst that he was about to collapse. The Prophet (S.A.W)
ordered his men to give him some water to drink, but Abu Zar refused saying
with a feeble voice that he himself had some water with him. When the Prophet
(S.A.W) asked him as to why did he not drink that water as he was about to die
of thirst Abu Zar replied, "How could I drink any water before the Prophet
(S.A.W) of Allah has not drunk."

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