Imam Hussein (AS), the Master of the Martyrs

[Sayyed al-Shuhada]


Congratulations on the holy presence of Imam Mahdi (AJ), the expected one,
to all Muslims, all Shia and to you followers of Quran and Etrat. Shaban 3,
1430 (Thursday, July 26, 2009), a very auspicious day in the month of holy
Prophet (p.b.u.h), is the birth anniversary of the youngest grandson of the
holy Prophet (p.b.u.h). His father was Imam Ali (AS) and his mother lady
Fatima (AS), the dearest daughter of the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h). He was born
on Shaban 3, in 626 C.E. in Medina. 


Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) and His Love of Hussein (AS)

   The holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) loved his two grandsons (Hassan and Hussein)
tremendously. His holiness used to say: "Allah has ordered me to love and
cherish these two for God supports those who befriend them." 

    The Prophet (p.b.u.h) companions and followers often heard him say:
"Hassan and Hussein are masters, leading the people both in this world and
in the Hereafter" 

   The holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) described Imam Hussein (AS) and Imam Hassan
(AS) in the following words: Hassanain means Hassan and Hussein. Sebtain
means two sons of the Prophet (p.b.u.h), Sheblain means two lions, Sayyedain
means two masters or two chiefs. Raihanatain: two fragrant flowers.
Imamatain: Two leaders or Imams.

   His love for Hassan and Hussein (AS) was so great that he used to say:
"My Grandsons Hassan and Hussein (AS) are masters of the youth in paradise."

    The holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) would embrace them in his warm and
affectionate arms. He would make both of them sit together on his lap. When
the verse of purity (Ayat Tathir) was revealed, the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h)
covered them along with their fathers Ali (AS) and their mother lady Fatima
(AS) with a Yemeni mantle, saying: "O, God these are my household members." 

    During the event of Mubahala, too, after the Christian priests had come
to discover the truth about the Prophet (p.b.u.h) and it was decided that
both sides would come with their most beloved ones and invoke a curse upon
themselves if they were liars, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) came with his two
grandsons along with their father and mother, as Almighty God ordered, 

"Say: come, We will summon our sons and your sons, and our women and your
women, and ourselves and yourselves." (3:61)

In several times and places the holy prophet (p.b.u.h) used to say: "Most
surly Hussein (AS) is the lifeboat (savior) and the light for guidance." 


Ashura, the Day of .

  One of the most important of the many memorable events in the life of the
Sayyed al-Shuhada was his martyrdom on the 10th of Muharram 61 A.H. Shia
people consider Ashura, a day of mourning on which assemblies and
processions are held to mourn the martyrs of Karbala and to commemorate
their heroic struggle and sacred sacrifice to save Islam.

    It is better to take a glance at those days as history registered these
hidden facts: the years during the regime of Muawiyah were years of angry
protest for him because Muawiyah had breached the terms of his treaty with
Imam Hassan (AS) and the perverse whims and crooked will of Muawiyah had
changed the laws of Islam. Will God and His Messenger were not respected. 

   The regime of Muawiyah seized every opportunity to weaken the position of
the Prophet's family and to undermine their statues and destroy their

   Sayyed al-Shuhada forbore this difficult period with patience, exposing
Muawiyah's hypocrisy before he died. Muawiyah's treacherous son, Yazid
succeeded him by this will. 

   The governor of Medina informed Sayyed al-Shuhada (AS), of Yazid's order
to either obtain Sayyed al-Shuhada's allegiance or to kill him if he refused
to approve Yazid's caliphate would be catastrophic to Islam. Therefore,
Sayyed al-Shuhada migrated to Mecca where the Divine Sanctuary, the Kaabe is

    The news of the whole affairs of Yazid's order and Sayyed al-Shuhada's
movement from Medina spread throughout the various cities of the Muslim
world. The people if Iraq, especially those in Kufa, greatly dissatisfied
with the government of Muawiyah and Yazid, sent letters inviting Sayyed al-
Shuhada (AS) to Iraq.

    Imam Hussein (AS) knew that Yazid, like his father was insistent on
destroying Islam and would not stop short of any form of atrocities to
consolidate his own power and authority. Both Muawiyah and Yazid ruled as
caliphs in the name of Islam and called themselves successors of the holy
Prophet (p.b.u.h). The danger for Islam was real and imminent. Now the
regime has him to ratify its claim to legitimacy and to justify its actions
by obtaining Imam Hussein's (AS) allegiance. 

    Yazid, having heard of the movement of Sayyed al-Shuhada (AS) to Mecca
had appointed a few men to capture or assassinate him during the sacred Hajj
pilgrimage. Imam Hussein (AS) decided to leave Mecca, not only with plans to
fight the oppressive regime of Yazid to safeguard the foundations of Islam
but also to avoid the sacrilege the House of God if he were to be murdered

    Sayyed al-Shuhada (AS) then started on his journey toward Kufa which was
the center of his supporters who had promised to assist him in his struggle.

    Yazid issued orders to capture Imam Hussein (AS), in case he submits to
the demand of allegiance to Yazid caliphate, to bring him to Damascus so
that the caliph may decide about him, or in case he refuses, to fight and
kill him and his supporters. Sayyed al- Shuhada (AS) refused to capitulate
to this disgrace and did not come to terms with Yazid.

    Imam Hussein (AS) preferred to accept the challenge of an unequal battle
and to fight with a small group of seventy and odd followers and relatives
against Yazid's army of several thousands. 

    They all fought with marvelous courage and preferred martyrdom to serve
their purpose, that is, the revival of Islam. Their holy bodies were buried
at Karbala, the scene of their heroic battle. Imam Hussein (AS) adamantly
refused to yield to might and wrong and disgrace of Islam, his Holiness
(p.b.u.h) taught the lesson of self-sacrifice to Muslims to save true
religious teaching from falling into oblivion.

    Sayyed- al Shuhada (AS) was martyred but not defeated. He reached the
heights of human nobility and set a practical lesson of straggle against
injustice and oppression to defend Islam. His martyrdom exposed the evil
nature of the regime of Muawiyah and Yazid who ruled over Muslims in the
name of Islam and as successors of Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h).

    Choosing martyrdom, Sayyed- al Shuhada (AS) deprived the atrocious
regime of its false legitimacy. Indeed, he shook the foundations of the
Umayyad dynasty and thwarted their perverse designs. 

    However, holding mourning assemblies and mourning the martyrdom of Imam
Hussein (AS) is not enough to do justice to the sacred Islamic aims and
ideals, but those values must be understood and persuaded by all not only in
words but deeds as well. 

Along with those who expect the Advent of his grandson Imam Mahdi (AJ), let
us pray, "Who will take revenge for the blood of the martyrs of Karbala?"


Maxims of Imam Hussein (AS)


1.    Addressing the army of Yazid, "By God, neither will I give in to the
humiliation of honoring tyrants like you nor would I flee like slaves."  

2.    Life under the oppression of tyrants is death and death for the sake
of justice is everlasting life. 

3.   Surely some people worship God for the joys of paradise_ this is the
worship of traders. Some worship him for their fear of hell; this is the
worship of slaves. Yet, some worship him self-lessly because He is worthy of
worship- and this is the worship of "free men.

4.    He who tries to achieve something through acting disobediently to God
will miss what he expects and fall in what he fears.

5.    Beware of things for which you apologize. The true believer should not
make mistakes and apologizes everyday. 


At the end, let us stand toward his holy shrine and salute him as the
infallible Imam has instructed us:


Peace be on you, oh successor of Adam, the choice of God! 

Peace be on you, oh successor of Noah, the Prophet of God! Peace be on you,
oh successor of Abraham, the Friend of God! 

Peace be on you, ph successor of Moses, who conversed with god! Peace be on
you, oh successor of Jesus, the Spirit of God! 

Peace be on you, oh successor of Mohammad, the Beloved of God! Peace be on
you, oh successor of Ali, Commander of the Faithful, 

Peace be on him, Peace be on you, oh son of Mohammad Mustafa!  

Peace be on you, oh son of Ali Mortaza, peace be on you, oh son of Fatima,
peace be on you, oh son of Khadijat-ul-Kozbra,

  Peace be on you,  oh Martyr for whose blood God claims compensation!

 Oh the assassinated whose assassination and the assassination of his
relatives and friends could not be ordered good actions 

and forbade sinful actions, and obeyed God and his Messenger till the last


    So, may God curse the people  who assassinated you, and may God curse
the people who oppressed you, and may God curse the people who heard of it
and were pleased with it, oh my Master! Oh Aba Abdullah! I bear witness that
you were light before and during conception. The impurities of the
Pre-Islamic age could not touch you, nor does its unseemliness affect you. I
bear witness that verily, you are the pillar of our faith and the leader of
the faithful. 







Quran and Etrat Internet University


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