*Bismillaahir  Rahmaanir   Raheem*

Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I pray that all of you are well by the grace of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala

*Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) Sermon on welcoming the month of Ramadhan*

[image: Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)]O People! The month of Allah (Ramadhan)
has approached you with His mercy and blessings. This is the month that is
the best of all months in the estimation of Allah. Its days are the best
among the days; its nights are the best among the nights. Its hours are the
best among the hours.

This is a month in which he has invited you. You have been, in this month,
selected as the recipients of the honors of Allah, the Merciful. In this
holy month, when you breathe, it has the Sawab/thawab (heavenly reward) of
'Tasbeeh' (the praise of Allah on rosary beads), and your sleep has the
thawab of worship.

Your good deeds are accepted in this month. So are your invocations.
Therefore, you must invoke your Lord, in right earnest, with hearts that are
free from sins and evils, that Allah may bless you, observe fast, in this
month, and recite the Holy Quran.

Verily! The person who may not receive the mercy and benevolence of Allah in
this month must be very unfortunate having an end as bad (in the Hereafter).
While fasting, remember the hunger and thirst of tomorrow in Qiyamat. Give
alms to the poor and the needy. Pay respects to your elders.

Have pity on those younger than you and be kind towards your relatives and
kinsmen. Guard your tongues against unworthy words, and your eyes from such
scenes that are not worth seeing (forbidden) and your ears from such sounds
that should not be heard by you.

Be kind to orphans so that when your children become orphans they also may
be treated with kindness. Do invoke that Allah may forgive your sins. Do
raise your hands at the time of Salat (Prayers), as it is the best time for
asking His mercy. When we invoke at such times, we are answered by Him, when
we call Him, He responds, and when we ask for anything, it is accepted by

O People! You have made your conscience the slave of your desires; make it
free by invoking Him for Istighfar (repentance/forgiveness). Your back is
breaking under the heavy load of your sins, so prostrate before Him for long
intervals and make it lighter.

Do understand fully well that Allah has promised in the name of His Majesty
and Honor that He will not take to task such people who fast and offer Salat
in this month and perform 'sajda' (prostration), and will guard their bodies
against the Fire of Hell on the Day of Judgment.

O People! If anybody amongst you arranges for the Iftar (food for the ending
of the fast) of any believer, then Allah will give him a reward as if he has
set free a slave. He will forgive his minor sins.

Then the companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "But everybody
amongst us does not have the means to do so?"

Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) told them: - Keep yourself away from the Fire of
Hell, by inviting for 'Iftar', though it may consist of only half a date or
simply with water if you have nothing else. O People! Anybody who may
cultivate good manners in this month will walk over the 'Siraat' (Bridge) in
'Qiyamat', though his feet may be shaking.

Anybody who in this month may take light work from his servants (male or
female), Allah will make easy his accounting on the Day of Judgment.

Anybody who does not tease others in this month, Allah will keep him safe
from His wrath in Qiyamat. Anybody, who respects and treats an orphan with
kindness in this month, Allah shall look at him with dignity in Qiyamat.
Anybody who treats well his kinsmen, in this month, Allah will bestow His
mercy on him in Qiyamat, while anybody who maltreats his kinsmen in this
month, Allah will keep him away from His mercy, in Qiyamat.

Whoever offers 'Sunnat' (Recommended) prayers in this month, Allah will give
him a certificate of freedom from Hell. Whosoever offers one 'Wajib' Salat
in this month, for him the Angels will write the rewards of 70 such prayers,
which were offered by him in any other months.

Whosoever recites repeatedly 'Salat and salam (Salawat)' on me, Allah will
keep the scales of his deeds heavy, when in Qiyamat the scales of others
will be tending towards lightness.

Whosoever recites in this month only one 'Ayat' (verse of the Holy Quran),
he will be rewarded in a manner as if he had recited the full Holy Quran in
the other months.

O People! The Gates of Paradise remain opened in this month. Do invoke that
the gates may not be closed on you, while the Gates of Hell are closed. Do
invoke that these gates may never be opened. During this month Shaytan
(Saten) is imprisoned so ask your Lord not to let him have power over you.
 *FASTING ON YAUMUL SHAK ( doubtful if Ramadhan month has begun)*

30th day of Shaban is called Yamul Shak (doubtful day) if you do not receive
news about Ramadan moonsighting on 29th evening or before the end of 30th

It is haram to fast on 30th Shaban with the niyat intention of 1st of

It is *Mustahab* to keep fast on 30th Shaban but the *Niyyat* (intention)
should be either
(a) with the Niyyat of Mafiz-zimma (to discharge my responsibility), or
(b) with the Niyyat of any Qaza fast of previous Ramadan, if any, or
(c) with the Niyyat of Mustahab Shaban fast.

If you do a double Niyyat of fasting (i.e. 30th Shaban or 1st Ramadan), then
such a Niyyat is wrong according Ayatullah Khui, but it is OK according to
Ayt Khomeini and Ayt Seestani.
If you are fasting on 30th Shaban, and if, at any time on that day, you get
the news of moon sighting of 29th Shaban, then you must immediately change
Niyyat to Niyyat of 1st of Ramadan.
If you have fasted on 30th Shaban (with any Niyyat), and afterwards you come
to know that it was 1st of Ramadan, then your fast will automatically be
counted as fast of 1st of Ramadan.

If you are *not fasting *on 30th Shaban, then following actions are
necessary on you:
(a) If you get the news after sunset of 30th Shaban or later that the moon
had been actually sighted on evening of 29th Shaban, then you have to keep
Qaza of 1st Ramadan after the month of Ramadan.
(b) If you get the news of moon sighting after Zawal time (Islamic mid-day),
then it is haram to eat or drink or do anything, which is not allowed during
fasting from that time onward until Iftar time on that day, and you have to
do Qaza of 1st of Ramadan later on.
(c) If you get the news of moon sighting before Zawal time (Islamic
mid-day), then
    (i) if you have not eaten or drunk anything or done anything which
breaks fast, you must immediately do the Niyyat of fasting of Ramadan for
that day,
   (ii) if you have eaten or drunk something or have done anything which
breaks fast, then you have to act as if fasting for the rest of the day, and
then do Qaza of 1st of Ramadan later on.

  **  *Some more blogs on Mahe Ramdhan:*

   - What is the Fast of the Month of
   - Objectives & Spirit of
   - Ramadhan 
   - Significant of

   - Mahe Ramzan - 40

   - Supplicating to the

   - Self 

   - Utilize the Time in Best
   - Health Guidelines For Ramadhaan
   - Bad Breath while Fasting – A Common
   - Perplexion about Moon
   Good PPT for understanding the moon issue)
   - Hilal Issues : Replies From Najaf and Qum, 24 & 26 Ramadhan
   - Crescent Sighting - Frequently Asked

http://islamic-laws.com/fast_rules.htm (A Complete Fasting rules)
Questions on hilal ( moonsighting) click

This is from the grace of my LORD &
In the Service of His Last Hujjat (a.t.f.s)

Islâm Is My Religion, Allâh Is My God~
Mohammad Is My Prophet~Ali Is My Imam~
Ahlul-Bayt Is My Love~Quran Is My Book~
Al Qibla Is My Direction~Mekkah Is My Wish~
Jannâh Is My Goal!

Please do remember in your valuable prayers and remember H.Prophet (s.a.w)
Say's: "You cannot treat people by means of your wealth; hence, you should
treat them by means of your moral conduct"

To directly get hadees, articles, e-books etc by e-mail, please mail to :
moralsandeth...@googlemail.com. Please forward this to as many believers as
possible. These are the words of Masoomeen ( a.s.), they will definitely
have an effect upon the Nafs of all believers.Please send your valuable feed
backs, suggestions and comments to moralsandeth...@googlemail.com

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