> *Bismillaahir  Rahmaanir   Raheem*
> Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu
> Dear Brothers and Sisters,
> I pray that all of you are well by the grace of Allaah Subhaanahu wa
> Ta`aala
> *Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) Sermon on welcoming the month of Ramadhan*
> [image: Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)]O People! The month of Allah
> (Ramadhan) has approached you with His mercy and blessings. This is the
> month that is the best of all months in the estimation of Allah. Its days
> are the best among the days; its nights are the best among the nights. Its
> hours are the best among the hours.
> This is a month in which he has invited you. You have been, in this month,
> selected as the recipients of the honors of Allah, the Merciful. In this
> holy month, when you breathe, it has the Sawab/thawab (heavenly reward) of
> 'Tasbeeh' (the praise of Allah on rosary beads), and your sleep has the
> thawab of worship.
> Your good deeds are accepted in this month. So are your invocations.
> Therefore, you must invoke your Lord, in right earnest, with hearts that are
> free from sins and evils, that Allah may bless you, observe fast, in this
> month, and recite the Holy Quran.
> Verily! The person who may not receive the mercy and benevolence of Allah
> in this month must be very unfortunate having an end as bad (in the
> Hereafter). While fasting, remember the hunger and thirst of tomorrow in
> Qiyamat. Give alms to the poor and the needy. Pay respects to your elders.
> Have pity on those younger than you and be kind towards your relatives and
> kinsmen. Guard your tongues against unworthy words, and your eyes from such
> scenes that are not worth seeing (forbidden) and your ears from such sounds
> that should not be heard by you.
> Be kind to orphans so that when your children become orphans they also may
> be treated with kindness. Do invoke that Allah may forgive your sins. Do
> raise your hands at the time of Salat (Prayers), as it is the best time for
> asking His mercy. When we invoke at such times, we are answered by Him, when
> we call Him, He responds, and when we ask for anything, it is accepted by
> Him.
> O People! You have made your conscience the slave of your desires; make it
> free by invoking Him for Istighfar (repentance/forgiveness). Your back is
> breaking under the heavy load of your sins, so prostrate before Him for long
> intervals and make it lighter.
> Do understand fully well that Allah has promised in the name of His Majesty
> and Honor that He will not take to task such people who fast and offer Salat
> in this month and perform 'sajda' (prostration), and will guard their bodies
> against the Fire of Hell on the Day of Judgment.
> O People! If anybody amongst you arranges for the Iftar (food for the
> ending of the fast) of any believer, then Allah will give him a reward as if
> he has set free a slave. He will forgive his minor sins.
> Then the companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "But everybody
> amongst us does not have the means to do so?"
> Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) told them: - Keep yourself away from the Fire
> of Hell, by inviting for 'Iftar', though it may consist of only half a date
> or simply with water if you have nothing else. O People! Anybody who may
> cultivate good manners in this month will walk over the 'Siraat' (Bridge) in
> 'Qiyamat', though his feet may be shaking.
> Anybody who in this month may take light work from his servants (male or
> female), Allah will make easy his accounting on the Day of Judgment.
> Anybody who does not tease others in this month, Allah will keep him safe
> from His wrath in Qiyamat. Anybody, who respects and treats an orphan with
> kindness in this month, Allah shall look at him with dignity in Qiyamat.
> Anybody who treats well his kinsmen, in this month, Allah will bestow His
> mercy on him in Qiyamat, while anybody who maltreats his kinsmen in this
> month, Allah will keep him away from His mercy, in Qiyamat.
> Whoever offers 'Sunnat' (Recommended) prayers in this month, Allah will
> give him a certificate of freedom from Hell. Whosoever offers one 'Wajib'
> Salat in this month, for him the Angels will write the rewards of 70 such
> prayers, which were offered by him in any other months.
> Whosoever recites repeatedly 'Salat and salam (Salawat)' on me, Allah will
> keep the scales of his deeds heavy, when in Qiyamat the scales of others
> will be tending towards lightness.
> Whosoever recites in this month only one 'Ayat' (verse of the Holy Quran),
> he will be rewarded in a manner as if he had recited the full Holy Quran in
> the other months.
> O People! The Gates of Paradise remain opened in this month. Do invoke that
> the gates may not be closed on you, while the Gates of Hell are closed. Do
> invoke that these gates may never be opened. During this month Shaytan
> (Saten) is imprisoned so ask your Lord not to let him have power over you.
>   *FASTING ON YAUMUL SHAK ( doubtful if Ramadhan month has begun)*
> 30th day of Shaban is called Yamul Shak (doubtful day) if you do not
> receive news about Ramadan moonsighting on 29th evening or before the end of
> 30th day.
> It is haram to fast on 30th Shaban with the niyat intention of 1st of
> Ramadan.
> It is *Mustahab* to keep fast on 30th Shaban but the *Niyyat* (intention)
> should be either
> (a) with the Niyyat of Mafiz-zimma (to discharge my responsibility), or
> (b) with the Niyyat of any Qaza fast of previous Ramadan, if any, or
> (c) with the Niyyat of Mustahab Shaban fast.
> If you do a double Niyyat of fasting (i.e. 30th Shaban or 1st Ramadan),
> then such a Niyyat is wrong according Ayatullah Khui, but it is OK according
> to Ayt Khomeini and Ayt Seestani.
> If you are fasting on 30th Shaban, and if, at any time on that day, you get
> the news of moon sighting of 29th Shaban, then you must immediately change
> Niyyat to Niyyat of 1st of Ramadan.
> If you have fasted on 30th Shaban (with any Niyyat), and afterwards you
> come to know that it was 1st of Ramadan, then your fast will automatically
> be counted as fast of 1st of Ramadan.
> If you are *not fasting *on 30th Shaban, then following actions are
> necessary on you:
> (a) If you get the news after sunset of 30th Shaban or later that the moon
> had been actually sighted on evening of 29th Shaban, then you have to keep
> Qaza of 1st Ramadan after the month of Ramadan.
> (b) If you get the news of moon sighting after Zawal time (Islamic
> mid-day), then it is haram to eat or drink or do anything, which is not
> allowed during fasting from that time onward until Iftar time on that day,
> and you have to do Qaza of 1st of Ramadan later on.
> (c) If you get the news of moon sighting before Zawal time (Islamic
> mid-day), then
>     (i) if you have not eaten or drunk anything or done anything which
> breaks fast, you must immediately do the Niyyat of fasting of Ramadan for
> that day,
>    (ii) if you have eaten or drunk something or have done anything which
> breaks fast, then you have to act as if fasting for the rest of the day, and
> then do Qaza of 1st of Ramadan later on.
> *Some more blogs on Mahe Ramdhan:*
>    - What is the Fast of the Month of 
> Ramadan?<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2007/09/14/what-is-the-fast-of-the-month-of-ramadan/>
>    - Objectives & Spirit of 
> Fasting<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2008/09/01/objectives-spirit-of-fasting/>
>    - Ramadhan 
> Mabarak<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2006/10/17/ramadhan-mabarak/>
>     -(PPT)
>    - Significant of 
> ramzan<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2006/10/17/significant-of-ramzan/>
>  -(PPT)
>    - Mahe Ramzan - 40 
> traditions<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2006/10/17/ramzan-40-traditions/>
>  -(PPT)
>    - Supplicating to the 
> Almighty<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2006/10/17/supplicating-to-the-almighty/>
>  -(PPT)
>    - Self 
> Accounting<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2007/09/13/self-accounting/>
>    - Utilize the Time in Best 
> way<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2008/03/08/utilize-the-time-in-best-way/>
>    - Health Guidelines For Ramadhaan 
> Al-Mubarak<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2006/11/02/health-guidelines-for-ramadhaan-al-mubarak/>
>    - Bad Breath while Fasting – A Common 
> Problem.<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2006/10/17/bad-breath-while-fasting-%e2%80%93-a-common-problem/>
> SHAWWAL<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/the-day-of-eid-ul-fitr-1-shawwal/>
>    - Perplexion about Moon 
> sighting<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2007/09/11/fasting-moon/> -(A
>    Good PPT for understanding the moon issue)
>    - Hilal Issues : Replies From Najaf and Qum, 24 & 26 Ramadhan 
> 1426<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2006/10/26/hilal-issues-replies-from-najaf-and-qum-24-26-ramadhan-1426/>
>    - Crescent Sighting - Frequently Asked 
> Questions<http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com/2006/10/26/crescent-sighting-frequently-asked-questions/>
> http://islamic-laws.com/fast_rules.htm (A Complete Fasting rules)
> Questions on hilal ( moonsighting) click 
> here<http://www.islamic-laws.com/questiononhilal.htm>
> --
> http://moralsandethics.wordpress.com
> ________________________________
> This is from the grace of my LORD &
> In the Service of His Last Hujjat (a.t.f.s)
> Islâm Is My Religion, Allâh Is My God~
> Mohammad Is My Prophet~Ali Is My Imam~
> Ahlul-Bayt Is My Love~Quran Is My Book~
> Al Qibla Is My Direction~Mekkah Is My Wish~
> Jannâh Is My Goal!
> Please do remember in your valuable prayers and remember H.Prophet (s.a.w)
> Say's: "You cannot treat people by means of your wealth; hence, you should
> treat them by means of your moral conduct"
> To directly get hadees, articles, e-books etc by e-mail, please mail to :
> moralsandeth...@googlemail.com. Please forward this to as many believers
> as possible. These are the words of Masoomeen ( a.s.), they will definitely
> have an effect upon the Nafs of all believers.Please send your valuable feed
> backs, suggestions and comments to moralsandeth...@googlemail.com

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