In the  name of Allah,  
the Most  Beneficent, the Most Merciful 

On  the Day of Judgment undeniable  
Witnesses for People’s Misdeeds 

“Imagine that Day when the enemies of Allah will  be brought  together and 
led to the hellfire in  groups.  
Finally when they reach there, their ears,their eyes, and their skins will 
testify to their  misdeeds.  
And they will ask their skins:  
"Why did you testify against us?"  
Their skins will reply: "Allah Who gives the faculty of speech to  
everything, has made us speak. He is the One  Who created  you to begin with, 
now to Him you are being brought  back.  
During  your life on earth you use to hide yourselves while committing  
crimes, you never thought  that your  own ears, your own eyes and your own 
skins would ever testify against  you.  
Rather you thought that even Allah had no  knowledge of many  things that  
you do. This thought of yours, which you entertained concerning your Lord, 
has brought you to  destruction and now you have become of  those who  are 
utterly lost."  
Then, whether they have patience or  not,  the fire  will still be their 
home, and even if  they beg  for pardon, it  shall not  be granted to them.” 
[Al Qur’an  41:19-24] 

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