Peace and mercy of God be upon you

Disasters of the user to maintain a golden ticket says:
Who is not a Hanbali is not a Muslim!!!! Means infidel mean 99 \ 99% of the
Muslim infidels Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Narrated by Golden on one of the imams Hanbali is:
Abu Hatem Ben Khamosh Hafez al-Hanbali was submitted to irrigation and
irrigation Ahl al-Sunnah (ie, the world Hanbalis magician from Iran built on
the rule of advances)

Golden says:
Said Hussein Bin Ali Al Ketbi out of the Shaykh al-Islam group handwriting
to the property he went sight order was directed at what is written and
correct it is humility that has left me the benefits of one who was left out
something similar to me, "Ben-Tahir said say if he heard the explanation,
then it would remind him of one hundred and seven interpretations and
reputation seeks his pulpit:
I forget what Hambali, but blamed the people that Ithnbloa
I heard him say:
I went to Abu Hassan Sufi then resolved to refer took place on myself that I
mean the father Hatem Ben Khamosh Hafiz irrigation and met him and was
submitted by the Sunnis irrigation so that the Sultan welcome to the income
of irrigation and killed by the underground to prevent the whole of Abu
Hatim and the irrigation of the income of the shows he believed it then
Satisfactory him to speak to people and when not prevented from irrigation
had brought with me a man in the way of people asked me about doctrinal I
said Hambali said doctrine and what I've heard this heresy and taken Bsoubi
"I do not Avarrqk to Sheikh Abu Hatem I said, puzzled me and went to his
home and he can do so today by the House This is great, he said I asked him
about his doctrine stated doctrine did not hear it and never said that
Hambali said: "I said let anyone who is not a Hanbali is not a Muslim ...

This view was advanced it was mentioned in the book a ticket to maintain the
mark BOOK 3, page 1187 edition of this book Asamiei house in Riyadh, and you
will find this source in the library edition of Grand Mosque in Mecca as

Came in the functioning of Heraldry of the golden c 17, p. 625 i Foundation
message will be circulated in Beirut and say:
Abu Hatem Khamosh on the heels of recent books that talk about me bi
Asbahaan Abu Naim, and also tells Almakhldi Abu Muhammad Abdullah Bin
Hussein Al-Qattan and al-Faqih Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Marwazi and
al-Husayn ibn Muhammad Almhellbi, narrated by Abu Mansur bin Muzaffar stone
and Sharif Yahya bin Hussein, and the story of his famous Shaykh al-Islam
was arrested for some barefoot and drive to Abu Hatim said that this
doctrine has said what I've heard said Hambali is said Wilk let him who is
not a Hanbali is not a Muslim. Ends

Cited in the golden once again in the functioning of Heraldry c 18 z 508,
which read:

Ibn al-Taher and I heard Abu Ismail says I went to Abu Hassan Kherghani
mystic then resolved to refer took place on myself that I mean Abu Hatem Ben
Khamosh Hafiz irrigation and met him and was submitted by the Sunnis
irrigation and that Sultan Mahmud bin Casting Tekin income for irrigation
and killed by the underground to prevent the whole of my father Hatem and
the irrigation of the income of the shows he believed Satisfactory
authorized to speak to people and only Fmnah When he brought me from
irrigation was a man in the way of people asked me about doctrinal I said
Hambali said doctrine and what I've heard this heresy and taken Bsoubi said
no to Sheikh Abu Ovarqk Hatem I told my best and went to his home and had a
great Council that day, he said this I asked him about his doctrine stated
doctrine did not hear it never said what he said, "I said Hambali said let
anyone who is not a Muslim is not a Hanbali

For a building Ibn Khamosh all infidels are not Muslims but Hanbalis!!
2 - all branches of the doctrine of Hajj is invalid Tap!! ((Near the gift on
the occasion of Hajj))
Said Ekmeleddin Alababrti: (mark Sheikhi said Shams al-Din al-Isfahani God's
mercy: wudu in the circumambulation around ten times the running around to
the view of al seven runs no more capable of imitating the Abu Hanifa)

Then he said Alababrti: (If not the view of Abu Hnazivp returned to those
who attended from the Orient, Morocco, and South and the North without Ag)

Amusing jokes in the weight of the doctrine of Abu Hanifa, p. 57

Each one attached to his soul and changed my Salafi doctrine

A very powerful means all of it was contrary to the doctrine of the Hanafi
school, the argument is invalid!!!
Dean crooked
(Conflict B the four schools in particular) who are not conflict with their
beliefs on whether it is their year ...

This transfer of Hanbalis disbelieve who is not their faith, and they regard
them as non-Muslims

ابذو الفقارك يا علي تحمي جارك يا علي

.أحد مشائخ الوهابية يصرخ " ياعباد الله أنقذوا السنة  السنة تشيعوا ...

( إن مذهبا يثبت نفسه من كتب خصمه أحق بأن يتبع ، وأن مذهبا يحتج عليه بما في
كتبه فيلجأ للتأويل والتحوير أحق بأن يجتنب عنه )

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