Where is the Enlivener of the Signs of Religion and Its People?(part 1)
The above phrase and sentences similar to it form a part of the prayer of 
Dua-e-Nudbah which we generally recite on Friday mornings. They illuminate our 
hearts with the remembrance of Imam (a.s.). The sentence itself is very 
beautiful and meaningful though it is a request. It poses the question ‘Where 
is he?’ in the impatience of one who is awaiting (intezaar). The recitor is 
restive, is concerned and weeping on the separation from the Imam (a.s.).
These beautiful sentences of supplication make the teachings of religion alive 
again. The phrases of dua reflect the concern of days passing without the 
realization of the Promise and this makes the recitor gloomy.
It is impossible to articulate the sentence in its entirety; rather we attempt 
a short summary for the readers.
It is a fact that the Almighty God has revealed the Holy Qur’an and sent His 
Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as a guide and salvation for mankind. The mantle of guidance 
was passed on to the pure Progeny (a.s.) after the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). 
Attachment to their holy persona was a guarantee of salvation against all 
deviation and corruption.
But the Ummah’ not only erred in protecting the religion but blatantly changed 
and altered it for their selfish material means and ends.

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