Assalam o Alaikum wr wb. 
NAZR - Sufro - Nyaz of 22nd Rajab in the name of our 6th Imam a.s.

The word NAZR is an Arabic word which means "an offering," in its verbal form 
will mean "to offer" or "to make a spiritual vow." The basic concept of NAZR is 
to offer something less valuable in the hope and expectation of receiving 
something of higher value. The "value" does not have to be material; it could 
just be honor and dignity. The examples below will explain this notion further.

Nazr has been mentioned in the Qur’an and examples from history are given in 
following ayahs:

5:27-31 the Glorious Qur'an tells the story of the two sons of the prophet Adam 
(peace be upon him). The two sons of Adam (Habeel and Qabeel, Anglicized names: 
Able and Cain) made an offering to their Lord, one was accepted and the other 
was rejected.

In 3:35 the Glorious Qur'an tells the story of Maryam's mother. When a woman of 
Imran said: “My Lord, surely I vow to Thee (rabbi inni nazartu) what is in my 
womb, to be devoted (to Thy service); accept therefore from me, surely Thou art 
the Hearing, the Knowing”. However, when the child was born, it was a girl 
(Maryam) and the families were puzzled as to how to send a girl to the Temple. 
But they fulfilled the vow as they had promised their Lord.

In 19:26 the Glorious Qur'an tells the story when Prophet Jesus is born without 
a father and the Jews are asking of Maryam about such an implausible situation. 
So eat and drink and refresh the eye. Then if you see any mortal, say: “Surely 
have vowed a fast to the Beneficent God (inni nazartu lir-Rahmaani sawman). So 
shall not speak to any man today”.

In the first twelve verses of Sura Dahr (chapter 76) the Glorious Qur'an tells 
the story of NAZR by the Ahlul Bayt (a.s). In verses 7 and 8: "Because they 
perform the vow (yufoona bin-nazri) and fear a day whereof the evil is 
wide-spreading, And feed with food the needy wretch, the orphan and the 
prisoner, for love of Him."

A very well known incident from history when Hasnain (a.s) were ill and the 
Prophet (saww) suggested that both parents should take a spiritual vow (Nazr) 
for the children's recovery.

This story tells us that the Prophet of Islam, recommended to any family that 
and when you are facing a difficult situation or you are distressed, you should 
do Nazr. In other words, take a spiritual vow that when the problem is over you 
would offer special prayers or invite friends and relatives for food that has 
been dedicated to the Ahlul Bayt in Allah's name.

The story is the guiding light for us in our lives. The family of Fatima Zahra 
(a.s) fulfilled their Nazr, but when a more needy person came they gave away 
their food to him without any regard to their own needs. Glorious Qur'an has 
made it incumbent upon us to love the Prophet of Islam and his holy family and 
fashion our lives according to how they lived. Say, ‘(O Prophet), I do not ask 
you any recompense for this (the mission of Islam), except that you would love 
my near ones’. (Glorious Qur'an, 42:23)

NAZR is not a wajib act in Islam; rather it is done when a Muslim feels a need 
for such a thing. However, once a spiritual vow is taken by a Muslim, it 
wajib on him/ her to complete the NAZR if his/her wish is granted by Allah.

The NAZR of the 22nd day of the glorious month of Rajab is done as a result of 
this love for the holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s).

It is true that this custom is very popular in our community. There is nothing 
wrong in its social aspect. It is better for good Muslims to meet at a NAZR and 
talk about Allah and the Holy Ahlul Bayt instead of wasting time on useless 

22nd of Rajab can be celebrated as 'As-Sadiq' day as a homage to the great 
contribution of that Imam to the codification of the fiqh and exposition of the 

Imam Jaffer Sadiq (as)'s birth coincides with the wiladah of The Holy Prophet 
(saww) and no justice is done to the dhikr of this Holy Imam, this day is an 
excuse for his dhikr, that is missed out in his wiladah. For indeed, Allah is 
the best of planners.

May Allah (SWT) give us the good sense, the courage and the strength to 
understand the teachings of Ahlul Bayt (a.s) and follow them faithfully and 
intelligently. May Allah give safety and prosperity to all Momineen and their 

Extracts from an article by: Syed-Mohsin Naquvi



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