The TRUTH is the TRUTH. No need to appease or pacify anybody, nor make excuses 
for our loyalty to our Ahlul Bayt (AS) - which we pledged BEFORE our arrival in 
this world - and the reason we exist!

Let's snap out of our DENIAL, stop behaving like wild dogs, and save OUR 
children from the doubt put in their minds by DEVIANT PARASITES (LA) who have 
entered our communities and DARE to sit on the Blessed and Sacred MIMBARS!!! 


Here are some brief references from Shia sources of Prophets of Allah (SWT) 
mourning for Imam Hussain(a.s)

1. The first Prophets (Hz Adam-AS) first ever action was to mourn Imam 
Hussain(a.s) . - (Bihar-al-anwar, Vol 1, pg 85 - Urdu) 

2. The first Zakir of Imam Hussain(a.s) was Hz Gabriel and the first listener 
and mourner was Hz Adam . - (Bihar-al-anwar, Vol 1, pg 85-86, Urdu.) 

3. Hz Adam draws blood for the sake of Imam Hussain(a.s) during his visit to 
kerbala. - Jalal-il-Ayoon, pg 146, Urdu. 

4. Allah (SWT) become Zakir of Imam Hussain(a.s) through His wahee and Hz Adam 
the listener. (Bihar-al-anwar, Vol 1, pg 85-86, Urdu.) 

5. To cry and mourn for Imam Hussain(a.s) is worship and Tasbeeh. 
(Nafs-ul-Mahmoom, Pg 51.) 

6. The Holy Kaaba was the first Imambargha as it was the first place for 
mourning for Imam Hussain(a.s) , (Shahadat-e-Uzmah, Pg 68, Allama Bu-Ali Shah 

7. Allah (SWT) has vowed for the 10 days of Muharram to mourn for Imam 
Hussain(a.s) - (Sura-e-Fajar 1-5, Tafseer-al-burhaan, Vol 4, Pg456). 

8. The redness of the Sunset and Sunrise is a sign that it is mourning for Imam 
Hussain(a.s) - (Tafseer Noor-e-Saqalain, Vol 4, Pg 628). 

9. The enemies of Ahlai-e-Muhammed are the offspring of Iblees (L). 
(Alal-e-Sharah, Sudooq, pg 108, Urdu). 

10. Hz Adam the first person to have a Taboot (Replica/Shabih) of Imam 
Hussain(a.s) and passed it onto his Wasi, Hz Sheeth , - (Tafseer-e-Ayashi, Vol 
1, Pg 306). 

11. Hz Nuh used to recite Noha and mourn Imam Hussain(a.s) for 950 years, - 
(Hayatul Quloob-Majlisi). 

12. The first originator of Zakiree, Taboot, Alam of Hz Abbas was Hz Adam and 
also made the first Imambargha (Kaab'a), (Shahadat-e-Uzmah, Pg 85, Allama 
Bu-Ali Shah Zaidi). 

13. Hz Nuh was the first person to write down the story of Karbala and read 
about it with a loud voice (Zakiree), - Shahadat-e-Uzmah, Pg 68, Allama Bu-Ali 
Shah Zaidi). 

14. Hz Nuh tabarra or curse on Yazeed helped his ship from drowning in the 
great flood. - ( Bihar-al-Anwaar, Vol 1, Pg 82, Urdu). 

15. Hz Abrahim drawing his blood for Imam Hussain(a.s) Bihar-al-Anwaar, Vol 1, 
Pg 83, Urdu). 

16. Hz Ismael sent lanath (curse) on Yazeed (L), - (Bihar-al-anwar, Vol 1, Pg 
83-84, Urdu). 

17. Hz Zulqarnain , and Hz Khizr were also Zakireen of Imam Hussain(a.s) , - 
Shahadat-e-Uzmah, Pg 101-102, Allama Bu-Ali Shah Zaidi). 

18. Hz Yaqoob and Yousef were also azadaars of Imam Hussain(a.s) , - 
Shahadat-e-Uzmah, Pg 102-104, Allama Bu-Ali Shah Zaidi). 

19. To cry, mourn, wail, read elegies is a sunnat of Nabi , - Surah Yousef, 84. 

20. Hz Owais-al-Qarni (companion of the Holy Prophet(saws) broke all his teeth 
after hearing that the Prophet's teeth had been martyred, - Mishkat-al-shareef. 

21. Whoever tries to stop the Maatem of a Mazloom (innocent) is an enemy and a 
Zalim (tyrant), - Surah Yousef, 85. 

22. Hz Musa blood was drawn in Mourning of Imam Hussain(a.s) , - 
Bihar-al-anwar, Vol 1, Pg 84, Urdu. 

23. Hz Musa was asked to do Tahzeem-e-Sajdah at the gate (baab) al-Hittah, - 
Tafseer-al-Burhaan, Vol 1, Pg 102. 

24. The first meeting of Hz Musa and Hz Khizr was with the Zikr of Karbala and 
grief, - Tafseer-al-Burhaan, Vol 2, Pg 474. 

25. Hz Ismael said that I liked the Patience and thankfulness of Imam 
Hussain(a.s) , - Alal-e-Sharah (Shaykh Sudooq), Pg 59, Urdu. 

Allah humma salli ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad wa ajjel farajahom






Take Care  &    
Mohamedhusein G. F. Somji
Let us Remember Each-Other in our Duas. 
Let us pray for all our Departed Ones. 

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