Shi'a sources say that Two days after  Muhammad(S.A.W) death, Umar al-Khattab 
led  a party of armed men to Hazrat Ali's(A.S.) house. They called for the men 
of the house to come  out and swear allegiance to Abu Bakr, and also  
threatened to burn the house down. No one  came out, so the armed men pushed 
their way  into the house. Fatima (S.A), who was pregnant  at the time, was 
standing behind the door. Umar al Khattab pushed Fatima (S.A) behind the  
burning door. He broke her ribs and wrist. Later,  she miscarried a boy child, 
who was called Al  Muhsin or Mushabbar. Fatima (S.A) was gravely  injured in 
the attack and died of her injuries  some time later. One Can refer to LEsan Al 
 Mizan Written by Ibne Hajar Al Asghalani, Then  Mizan Al I'tedaal written by 
Al Zhahaby. Please  also refer to the writings of Al Nazaam and #Al  saffadi. 
The statement seen is "Umar Kicked  Fatima (S.A) until she miscarraiged her Som 
AL- Muhsin);About this Topic there was a
 discussion  in Al Mustaqila TV as well, lasted for 90 mins  and the Sunni 
Ulema had afterwards no further  comments to add and defend their cliam. The 
Shi'a believe that both Abu Bakr and Umar  were responsible for killing both 
Muhammad's  daughter and grandson. For this section please  refer to the Book 
Al Imamiah Val Syasiyah by Ibn Qutaiba Deinevari, where we clearly See  
reference to Fatima(S.A) condemning and  Cursing the two. As Fatima(S.A) was 
dying, she asked Imam Ali  to bury her in secret; she did not want Abu Bakr  
and Umar at her funeral.


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