Hazrat Zaynab a.s and Karbala

At the death of the Muawiyah I, Hazrat imam Hussain a.s was forced out of
Mecca due to the assassins that were sent by Muawiyah's son Yazid I to kill
Hazrat imam Hussain a.s during pilgrimage, thus, Hazrat imam Hussain a.s
went to Kufa by the invitation of the people of Kufa for him to claim the
leadership of the Muslim community. Hazrat Zaynab a.s accompanied him, as
did most of his household. After Hazrat imam Hussain a.s and all his 72
companions were brutally killed at the Battle of Karbala by the order of
Yazid, Hazrat Zaynab a.s was taken captive by the army of Yazid, Muawiyah's
son and successor.

Hazrat  Zaynab a.s and the other survivors of Moula Husayn's expedition,
most of them women and children, were marched to Damascus, Yazid's capital,
where they were held hostage. Tradition says that Hazrat  Zaynab a.s,
already in anguish due to the death of her brother  Imam Husayn .a.s and her
sons Aun a.s and Muhammad a.s, was forced to march unveiled. This was an
extreme indignity to inflict on a high-ranking Muslim woman, the
granddaughter of Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w.

Eventually Yazid released his captives and allowed them to return to Medina.
The anniversary of her death is said to be either the 11th or 21st of Jumada
al-Thani, the 24th of Safar, or the 16th ofDhu al-Hijjah. Her grave can be
found within Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque in Damascus, Syria.

There is a different view, with many Sunnis holding her grave can be found
within at a different mosque, also titled "Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque", in Cairo
.The Fatimid/Dawoodi Bohra also believe in same.Their 52nd DaiMohammad
Burhanuddin made zarih for the shrine,photo is place opposite. They further
believe that the Mausoleum of Hazrat Zaynab-al-Kubra a.s in Damascus is of
lady Bibi Umm Kalsoom a.s bint Ali a.s younger daughter of Imam Ali a.s  and
the mausoleum of elder daughter of Ali the Zaynab bint Ali is in Cairo.
There is history of Hazrat Zaynab a.s leaving in Cairo in her last days.


* فبای الاء ربکما تکذبن.*



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