--Author Unknown

There was a woman once who developed a very serious throat condition. As a 
result, her doctor prescribed medication and no talking for six months! She 
thought this would be almost impossible with a husband and six children, but 
she obeyed the doctor's orders.

For the next six months, when she needed the attention of her children, she 
blew a whistle... Her instructions became written memos... Questions and 
answers were written down on pads of paper she had placed around the house.

After six months, the doctor finally allowed her to talk again. Interestingly 
enough, her first comments were very revealing. She said her children had 
become calmer and quieter, and as a result, she said, "I don't think I'll ever 
shout again like I used to."

When asked about the notes, she replied, "You'd be surprised how many hastily 
written notes I crumpled up and threw in the trash before I gave them to anyone 
to read. Seeing my own harsh words that I would have spoken had an effect on me 
that I don't think I'll ever forget."

Many things come out of our mouths before we realize it: gossip, praise, 
slander, lying, and so on.

Today, make a conscious effort to think about what you say. Determine to listen 
before speaking, to evaluate the words you use, and ensure your speech doesn't 
hurt others.

"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you 
may know how to answer everyone." --Colossians 4:6

"No man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With 
the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have 
been made in God's likeness. ...My brothers [and sisters], this should not be." 
--James 3:8-10

--as seen in Daily Living For Seniors


O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient. 
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord. 
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. 
الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ،  فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله

“Whenever you recite “Dua”, have this 
impression that what you want is at the door.”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said: "God grants seven hours to repent to any believer
 who commits a sin. If he repents in that period, nothing will be recorded 
in his letter of deeds, but if he does not, then the sin will be recorded."
Shaikh Sadooq narrates from Imam Ali-ar-Reza (AS) that if a person does not 
have the
 means to lessen the stock of his bad deeds, he should send Salawaat and Salaam 
 Mohammad (SAWW) and His Progeny (AS)bundantly, doing so will decrease (the 
 of ) his sins.



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Take Care  &    
Mohamedhusein G. F. Somji
Let us Remember Each-Other in our Duas. 
Let us pray for all our Departed Ones. 

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