I quote from their web site, "The stiffest plane (spine) is on the sides of
the shaft and perpendicular to the bend plane."  From this I assume Penley
shafts are all Type II (2N's and 2S's) and not Type I with N and S on the
same plane like a steel shaft normally is.  Since I haven't used or tested a
Penley shaft, I have three questions:
1.  Do clubmakers usually find Penley graphite shafts to be Type I or Type
2.  What is the % split between Penley shafts being Type I vs Type II?
3.  What is the Rate of Supershaft (delta cpm difference between S and N
plane) that they normally exhibit?
Thanks HarryS

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of tflan
Sent: September 1, 2002 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Penley on spines

Well shoot! Kennedy isn't the only one to hold this opinion.

An aside: I hope the "English Usage Nazi" doesn't get into the text of the
attachment. If he/she does we'll be here forever, parsing, spelling, and
punctuating ;-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Reeder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "clubmaker online" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 5:05 PM
Subject: ShopTalk: Penley on spines

> I know this isn't SpineTalk, but you may be interested in this
> http://www.penleygolf.com/carter/
> (I believe it supports RK's view on spine location)
> /Ed

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