I agree that unsolicited critique of irrelevant material is arbitrary and egocentric.   But alas, the Internet has become the social life for some and that is a sad statement for most human beings.  The delete key works for uninteresting comment, be it golf, computer or grammar related topics.  I have been here some 7 or 8 years and boring irrelevant material always finds a different forum to be heard.  This too shall pass.

At 12:29 PM 9/3/2002, you wrote:


I agree that there is benefit in staying but Connie Mack Rea reminds me of a manager I had years ago—the guy had a MS in English and had taught English at Columbia and was drafted and the Army in it’s infinite wisdom made him a radar technician. So when he returned he got a MS in engineering and was very good as an engineering manager but trying to get final approval f a memo or report out was virtually impossible. All the rough draft needed was a “grade” and you would have thought you were back in college!! The final blow was once he revised things and wound up violating a law of Physics!! He caught a lot of flack over that and things did get somewhat better. I guess if I can’t get the filter working I can just hit the delete key but there still is no valid reason for this crap that I can see!


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Al Taylor
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 9:08 AM
Subject: RE: ShopTalk: Penley on spines


With all the talent on this forum, I bet someone can help you set up a filter or block.  Mine works fine and the only time I see any of this stuff is when someone responds.

At 11:45 AM 9/3/2002, you wrote:


I have tried to block posts from Connie Mack Rea and for whatever reason it didn t work and if this can t be stopped rather rapidly, I for one will decide to drop Shoptalk as a forum. I thought the last time you had to step in would be the last time, but alas not so!! Please get this crap stopped for ever!


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jen Kuntz
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 8:16 AM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Penley on spines


The purpose of this forum is to discuss clubmaking, not literacy, spelling or grammar.  I am sure there are educated and uneducated people on this forum.  Some of them couldn't spell everything correctly if their life depended on it.  Some spell perfectly well but cannot type and choose not to use a spell-check program.  There are others who don't give a damn whether their posts are perfectly proper english even if they have the education to be able to know the difference.  Since the point of the forum is GOLF not ENGLISH 101, it doesn't really matter as long as someone on the forum understands the questions posed and is interested in responding with answers or suggestions.


If you cannot post responses other than to point out your apparently superior education or upbringing with respect to literacy, then why don't you find another forum to share your ray of sunshine?  If that isn't possible, then perhaps keep your comments to yourself and save everyone the hassle of deleting your [insert your choice of adjective here] posts?



----- Original Message -----

From: connie mack rea


Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 10:59 AM

Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Penley on spines


Naughty, naughty, too, Dr. Voo.

You just can't resist can you?  Why not let Tflan defend himself rather than show your own faults?  Just let it "goo," Dr. Voo.

    Now, to the subject of this post [.]  I was not a big fan of Penley line [.]  Overprice [not        "overpriced"] . . . concern.   Period omissions are illiterate errors.

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