Ah, Jen, a (lady) paladin to the rescue of wounded men.  How ironically apropos.

Not bad, Jen.  Let me "insert [my] adjective of choice": Wordy, stylishly perfunctory, and mundane.  Need some vertebrae and gristle.  But you did read the handbook.

Perhaps deny yourself the amateurish caps for emphasis.

Dare I ask that you capitalize "english"?

Few too many copulative verbs, perhaps?

You seem intelligent enough to understand that you are defending the indefensible.  I infer that you've taken up the victims' defense because you alone can use the language as Tflan, and others, can't.

Consider this: That from good manners and common civility a writer might do two things: [1] Take a second look over what he has written.  Everyone makes obvious blunders.  [2] Run the work through a spell checker.  You say "some might not choose to use [bit jingly, no?] a spell-check program."  Why?  One good reason will do.

Damn, I didn't ask for the excellent writing of Burgess,  William Buckley, or E.B. White.  Just a nominal consideration from the forum.

To suggest these two minimal points roused Tflan from his pretentious ignorance and illiteracy to call me the "Nazi of grammar" several months ago.  [Are you a "femi-Nazi" of fallen men?  Hmm?]

Civilly, John asked me to back off. Done.

 Then Tflan, and others, bombed me again last week.  Now, that's not nice, wouldn't you say?  Why can't Tflan like me, Nazi and all?  My dog is modestly attached to me despite our academic history.   I don't red-pen his barks, and he doesn't criticize my English--especially because his food comes in cans.  The relation works as an acceptable evolutionary standoff.

Maybe you and I can similarly achieve.   Presupposing, of course, that you can acknowledge having danced with the devil.

Thanks for the note.

Jen Kuntz wrote:

The purpose of this forum is to discuss clubmaking, not literacy, spelling or grammar.  I am sure there are educated and uneducated people on this forum.  Some of them couldn't spell everything correctly if their life depended on it.  Some spell perfectly well but cannot type and choose not to use a spell-check program.  There are others who don't give a damn whether their posts are perfectly proper english even if they have the education to be able to know the difference.  Since the point of the forum is GOLF not ENGLISH 101, it doesn't really matter as long as someone on the forum understands the questions posed and is interested in responding with answers or suggestions. If you cannot post responses other than to point out your apparently superior education or upbringing with respect to literacy, then why don't you find another forum to share your ray of sunshine?  If that isn't possible, then perhaps keep your comments to yourself and save everyone the hassle of deleting your [insert your choice of adjective here] posts? Jen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Penley on spines
 Naughty, naughty, too, Dr. Voo.You just can't resist can you?  Why not let Tflan defend himself rather than show your own faults?  Just let it "goo," Dr. Voo.

    Now, to the subject of this post [.]  I was not a big fan of Penley line [.]  Overprice [not        "overpriced"] . . . concern.   Period omissions are illiterate errors.

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