Thanks for all the responses. Its a mixed bag. When I was in business I rarely had a problem receiving or shipping merchandise via UPS. I also did business with RPS and FedEx. I didn't much care for USPS back then but now, here in the boondocks, USPS seems to be a lot more efficient and at the very least, or most, considerably less expensive. I can't recall a problem with USPS over the past couple of years. No doubt its because the carriers know the area. I suspect, as someone said in a response to my original post, that the problem is driver-generated. I'm guessing there have been substitute drivers on the route. Since UPS guys are paid in part by the number of deliveries they make in a day, and since most deliveries here are to widely separated addresses, it could very well be that a sub could miss the address. That's certainly not any reason to screw up - there are address numbers in three separate places on my property.
Fortunately my vendor for this latest foul-up us re-shipping the order. I'm going to set up a chair and table in my driveway. I'll sit there until UPS drives up with the delivery. I'm glad it doesn't snow here.
Maybe this latest fiasco with UPS is an anomaly, maybe not. But it sure as hell is frustrating. I've asked most of my vendors to ship either USPS (first choice,) or if really in a hurry, FedEx. I have little confidence in UPS here.

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